

by  |  earlier

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I got braces off 12th august.. had an appointment to come back 19th august but there was some sort of fire.. so i was re-appointed to come on the 26th of august.. its the 22nd now and i can already see some of my teeth have moved slightly.. will my teeth be able to fit in the retainer?? will they be ok? or did i waste 13 months of my life having braces on :<




  1. I got mine on the same day, but yes they should be ok, might just be a bit tight for a little while

  2. I&#039;ve never heard of getting your braces off and then having to make a whole new appointment to get your retainer (s) but if your orthodontist had you make the appointment, I&#039;m sure everything will be fine. They wouldn&#039;t have had you do that if they thought your teeth would drastically move. Even if they shift a tiny, tiny bit, they will instantly go back as soon as you get your retainer don&#039;t worry about it. :)

    Hope I helped!

  3. wow that stinks that you dont get ur retainer the same day. i got mine off, then i waited for like half an hour and they gave me my retainer.

    but ur teeth will be fine.

  4. sorry to hear that they&#039;ll be fine

  5. if your retainer is already made, then there shouldn&#039;t be any problem.  it will move your teeth back to how they were when you had braces

  6. hey SAME problem here!

    I got my braces off June 28th-ish, lost my retainer within two weeks, and found it 3 weeks later, when we had already ordered a new one.

    It hurt a little bit at first but it was completely fine.

  7. They will shift slightly, that is normal. And your retainer will just fit tight.

  8. they will be fine

  9. You shoulds call the dentist. I know if I take my retainer out for like a hour only it becomes harder to put back in my mouth.  

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