
BIG probem. Deleted files in registry & cannot do system restore, I am using Vista?

by Guest64483  |  earlier

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Pease help.. If I am not beyond help already. I had deleted files in the registry without knowing exactly which ones they were, I thought I did. My computer is now giving me errors and shutting off. Don't know the exact errors, but I know it's because I messed with the registry. I think. ANyway I am running windows vista and I cannot in anyway run system restore. I get an error saying too many secrets? and I have no restore points. ? help, this is a new computer and I can't afford to reformat. please help....




  1. Hello

    If we can not restore the computer system, you can back up your files, then re-install the system

    Need help please visit

  2. Hate to be the bearer of bad news, but you're out of luck, you have to reinstall Vista. This is why it's a very bad idea to be messing around in the registry unless you know what you're doing.

    You can most likely run a repair install, so that you don't lose any information.

  3. If you've deleted critical parts of your registry, and the system doesn't have a backup, you're screwed, and will have to reinstall Windows.  There's no way around this.

    "can't afford to reformat"?  Formatting is free.

  4. I don't think you have a choice.  You're going to have to reformat.  In the future, take a backup of the registry before you edit it.

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