
BIGFOOT <span title="HOAX!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?">HOAX!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...</span>

by  |  earlier

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What charges will be pressed against these guys?

will they be put in jail for fraud?

look at the link below :




  1. Aww man! I really thought that was real... I always give those people the benefit of the doubt because if they really did find the real one nobody would believe them so why shouldnt I believe them without any proof of knowing its wrong? I was extremely intrigued and so very excited about this discovery and now I am simply disappointed. What kind of people would do this? It&#039;s obvious you&#039;ll get caught if its a fake.

  2. one of them was a police officer and has already been fired...and the guy they sold the &quot;specimen&quot; to is now suing them for fraud

  3. BIGFOOT... a HOAX?

    Say it isn&#039;t so!??!?!!

    Imagine my surprise.   That&#039;s it, I&#039;m outta here.   Send for the mother ship... and I&#039;m taking the Loch Ness Monster with me.

  4. devon - where you &quot;intrigued&quot; enough to look up the guy from Palo Alto on google? He is a known bigfoot huckster. would be a good site for you to learn from!

  5. It depends on how much money was spent to prove it was a hoax.  The police officer that was invovled is likely to lose his job.

  6. think about this tho what if the government or whatever took the real body and paid or threatened the guys to say it was a joke because the pictures look different now then it did before, and didn&#039;t the bigfoot have teeth and a tongue in the pic before but now its just a tongue hmmm thats sumthing to think about

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