
BIO SAT retake?

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i received a 540 on biology-E

I am going to study all summer to retake it in Oct.

Is it possible to raise my score into the 700's?




  1. Yes, it is definately possible to improve you score to the 700s. I am assuming you are looking at Ivy League schools and if you are, you definately need in the 700s. If you aren't then I wouldn't worry about getting into the 700s like it is your life, but simply try to make the high 600s. Of course that is beside the point, you want to improve. Upon recieving the SAT Score Report, you are going to find a paragraph stating that "x percent of people improved their second time, x percent decreased, and x percent stayed the same. You will most likely increase/decrease x amount of points." Don't worry what it says because they are trying to get you to find a tutor or use one of their "proven" sources to get better scores and spend more money. A few weeks ago, I was in your shoes. I had taken the SAT US History Exam and recieved a 630 on it (I know that it is 90 points higher but hear me out). I was feeling terrible about the whole thing. Then, I decided to find out the best test prep book. I searched on the internet for about 30 minutes until I found a very highly recomended book. Everyone stated that they improved thanks to the book. I spent all of $12 and bought it through Amazon. I read it cover to cover for 2 weeks, took the exam, and went up 120 points! Though this is just my case, it can definately happen to you. The key is to find the best prep book, read it cover to cover, take their practice tests, do the chapter reviews, and you will improve your score dramatically. I know that people say "put the time in and you will improve" and it is usually BS, but I found that for the SAT Subject Tests anyway it is true (unfortunately not so much for the SAT Reasoning in which I went down). So I recommend looking up the best book you can find, reading it cover to cover, taking all the notes, doing the practice tests, and putting the effort in, and you will surely improve. Just find the best book (I used Kaplan, my Chemistry friends used something else, but find the best). Anyway, don't dispair. Keep trying and good luck!!!

  2. yeah i got 570!! i was pretty upset and I'm taking it again in November. I'm going to rent out a book and do tons of practice tests to see if I can also get it in the 700s. good luck!
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