

by Guest62736  |  earlier

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Ok, you know how if people just want to take 2 sciences instead of 3 (because of the workload/doesnt fit in timetable).. WELL, I'm taking BIOLOGY and PHYSICS next year, mostly because I dont know what I want to do when I grow up so i thot i'd pick the sortof opposite sciences, and chem.s like inbetween so i just left it out.

IS that okay? like ive never really ehard of people taking bio and physics, its usually bio and chem or physics and bio. and now i feel like i made a bad decision. :( HELP




  1. bio

  2. i dont see any field in science where you excludes chemistry ... you need it for everything related to science whether you want to be a engineer scientist doctor ...everything requires it... so not taking chem is sort of a bad idea... what you can do now is take chem and go to something like bio medical engineering requires all three or you can drop bio and take chem go to engineering... depends on what you like engeneering is maths and biology is well biological stuff like human body and organisms through out the world ... depends on what kind of person you basic thing is need chem for everythign unless you going to business then you dont need any sciences :)
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