
BIOTIN!!!!! plz help anyone proffesionall??

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Well i brough biotin supplements todday ..

is it true it makes ur hair grow faster ?? and how much faster..also how long does it take to notice an improvement???

Also if not then wat do they acctually do??

and is it bad if i suddenly stop taking them??

also wat do u think of them??

plz help i really need to no everything i mentioned above thanks xx




  1. Biotin is not like take prescription drugs, you can take them and stop taking them with minimal side effects. That said, you will notice that your hair is growing slower and that your nails are not as strong but that is about it. Biotin is a super protein and is used for hair skin and nails.  As you should know, protein is literally the building blocks of your body. You could eat more protein and see the same results as Biotin. I have natural hair and I take the supplement to keep my hair and nails strong. I had went away and forgot to bring my Biotin and I noticed nothing bad except that my nails were a little weaker.

    You can expect your hair to grow on its own about a 1/2 an inch a month, with biotin it will grow about 1 to 3 inches a month, but it all will depend on your personal rate of growth, because everyone is different. You know you can goto GNC and buy their Hair,Skin and Nails kit as well. I use them on top of my Biotin and all is well. By the way I am a cosmetologist and would not steer you wrong. Biotin is just fine and in my opinion a  necessary part of every womans diet.

  2. Biotin is a hair and skin vitamin and it's from the Vitamin B Complex group. Taking certain quantity of biotin supplements can help enhance your hair growth and also improve your overall hair quality.

    As for the amount of hair growth, it really depends on your body and hair to produce hair. However, please don't have huge expectations because your hair only grows half an inch a month. That is the normal hair growth cycle. So taking Biotin might push that limit a little further.....

    As what Biotin does is that it plays an important part to improve your body's metabolism in the creation of essential fatty acids, a requirements for healthy and strong looking hair.

    In my opinion, Biotin is a good supplement for those facing hair loss together with a medical regimen like Propecia and Rogaine. However, instead of taking Biotin, taking Vitamin B Complex supplements are better because they contain biotin as well as other essential B vitamins like B12, B6, Folic Acid and Iron which are all important for the hair.

  3. it grows pretty long, but it takes a long time

  4. i want them where did you get them

    and i heard 5 inchs in a month

  5. ive been taking a vitamin b complex with biotin  for 2 months and to be honets i ahvent notcied any difference i think i read somehwere it takes a good 3 months  

  6. An example of how it works is if your hair grows at the average rate of 1/2 inch per month it could bring that up to 3/4 inch to an inch per month  mostly 3/4 inch though so it can help but not all people get results. I don't think there is a problem with suddenly stopping the intake of biotin I use a supplement with biotin in and it helps my hair and nails grow nicely.

  7. I don't know but I'm going to try taking some because I heard they make your hair grow too. I just ordered some online so I hope they work =D.

    I did a bit of research and I don't think they've had any known side-effects or do any damage to your health.

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