
BIPOLAR.Is it hereditary?Anyone with experience of this illness?Any information please.

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BIPOLAR.Is it hereditary?Anyone with experience of this illness?Any information please.




  1. yes its

    my father has mental disorder and we are all scared one of us is caughting it

  2. Bipolar may be hereditary.  In my family, on my dad's side, my uncle has severe bio-polar.

    On my Mom's side I have 3 cousins who have been diagnosed with bipolar.

    I myself have been diagnosed for several years.  At this point in time my siblings are fine and will be since they are over 30 years old.

  3. I have bipolar, my nan had it and my uncle has schizophrenia, so i think genes do have as much of a part to do with it as the enviroment etc.

  4. i didn't think it was though i did hear sterility is hereditary

  5. it is hereditory, severe depression and mood changes

    thats all i know

  6. It sucks but you can not waller in pity. And yes it is hereditary.  Also childhood trama could have brought this on but it runs rampid on my mothers side.  You must get knowledgable on the subject, take your meds (which absolutely help), and may ever see a therapist to talk your feelings out with.  I do this because I have no one to talk to in my family.  None of them what to hear about mental illness or medication.  It is swept under the rug.  My physchologist has helped a lot.  But find a good one who is really interested in helping and is not just in it for the money.  Bi-polar will never go away.  It will wreck every relationship and job you enter without doing what you need to do.  We did not chose this train but we were picked up.  Do the best you can.  You are the ONLY one that has control over your life and self pity will destroy you.  Eat right, exercise, do not smoke or drink.  Yes, it hated to give these things up but our mental health trumps all the above.  Be careful for website blogs and such.  They drag me down.  You need to be around people who are up.  The best book I have ever read on bi-polar is "The Up and Down Life" by Paul E. Jones.  He is a comedian and bi-polar.  Easy, down to earth, matter of fact book.  Good luck my friend!

  7. It is largely genetic, but that doesn't mean that the child of someone bipolar will have bipolar themselves. But people with bipolar often have several relatives with many unipolar (just depression) or bi polar (depression and mania).

    It's often only diagnosed quite late, and can destroy lives. But medication can make it much more liveable

  8. It is a wel documented condition, affecting people for all or part of their lives. It is controlable with drugs and this is not usually necessary. Good diet, good positive outlook and exercise each day will help a lot. A diet of oily fish may also help too.

  9. For more info about bipolar disorder see

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