
BJs reaction after the fight?

by Guest33769  |  earlier

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I loved how Penn to control of the fight in the end and started l*****g his gloves and saying "hes done!" I would rub it in too if i fought a guy that had to cheat to become champ! In all fairness thou, sherk was KOed cause he even said after the fight that he didnt hear the horn for the end of the round!




  1. Dude Gotti is pretty much a moron...

    Im with you 100% bro...Sherk is a cheat!

    I've been saying all along, a motivated in shape BJ Penn is unbeatable at 155!

  2. I think BJ clearly won that fight and no one is arguing that point. He has also been one of my favorite fighters for about 4 years now, along with Wanderlei and Shogun.

    I think what happened tonight was Sherk got rocked big time, and thought the ref stepped in to stop the fight, when in actuality the ref just stopped it to end the round. Sherk reacted as if the fight was over (since he thought the ref ended it) and acted like he lost...sitting there, etc.

    So...did BJ win? Yes. Should it have gone to round 4? I think so.

    Anyway, great job by BJ.

  3. I think BJ fought a fantastic fight. He dominated Sherk all the way to the end and it ended on a high note with a fantastic knee to the face.

    Would I have liked it to go to round 4? h**l yeah, just to see Sherk get even more humiliated, but overall was a great fight.

    Gotti: "unknowingly" taking steroids does not make it ok to test positive for them.  I hate how he says in the video "I shouldn't have been stripped of my title for something I didn't do." No, Sean, you DID test positive for steroids, and you DID deserve to get stripped, you just "unknowingly" cheated.

    An edge is an edge and the UFC was right in stripping him of the title. Now BJ is the undisputed champ and can't wait to see him fight GSP again.

  4. Cheat? To be honest, it is ones own opinion if he cheated or not.... And how does him not hearing the horn make him knocked out? ----- The loud crowd, adrenline, focusing on your next move is what you should be worried about.

  5. You cannot call yourself a BJ fan, even BJ Penn was being a good sport after the fight. He didn't rubbed it in.

    AND Sherk took a lie detector test and passed. So 1 down for testing positive for steroids, and 1 up for passing the lie detector, hes back where he was.

  6. Not sure what the question is in your rant, but I think it was a very low class act for someone with B.J.s experience to act.  It is one thing to celebrate ones win but to run over to the other fighter while he is being treated by doctors, wipe his face with your hand and l**k his blood, well thats very unsportsmanlike.  I hope he gets fined for that classless move.  MMA is trying to separate themselves from nonsense like that and BJ should pay for his acts.

  7. roidboy got whooped,,,,  nuff said

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