
BLOCKING!!!!! and MIDDLE HITTING advice. :))?

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I am a 6'1 middle hitter and blocker, and im pretty good but. Im looking for any advice or tips that could help me improve!!! the only thing i really have trouble with is tipping or dumping! and as of hitting middle i want to try and hit harder!!!!




  1. Im a 6'2" middle blocker and the key to tipping, is to tip right over the block to the middle of the court (works better in college), or to area 2 (better in highschool).

    to hit harder swing fast. if you are hitting a high ball like a 2ball wait until ou feel like you are going to be late, and move your feet fast to the ball. if you are hitting a 1 ball wait again until the ball is almost in the setters hand and then go, be in the air when the setter gets the ball and !SWING!

  2. blocking broke six of my fingers but it rewarded me the top award for blocking in college volleyball. a middle blocker MUST posses excellent agility, good mental awareness and good in reading and deciding which pass is good and is not plus read your opponents mov'ts. notice you opponents setters habits, what he does before giving a set to any of its spikers, once you saw that  look at the ball trajectory and then look at you spiker, from his approach(fast, heavy/ forceful, relax) how he plants his feet and the direction of his toes. next is check his hips, torso and shoulders. follow his rotation cause its probably the best direction of choice he'll spike the ball (his strongest spike). before judging which place to block, be cautious with its wrist rotation and risky change in direction.

    never hesitate to follow what you've read during the rally. after all, we are only humans born to commit mistakes. take a risk..

    observe every opponent spiker with their most comfortable spikes.

    In offensive block, put yourself in your opponent spikers shoes and try to visualize what he will most likely do with the ball and once he hits the ball at the same time you flip and dump once you feel the ball touching your palm. do not reach for highspikes above blocker. let them challenge you receiver

    but never let them kill you with balls passing right in between you forearms or those low spiked balls. cover the most you can to let you receivers for an easier job.

    as for spiking, hit the ball with great speed to transfer crisp and fast downward spike. Hit it at 11 o'clock to 11:30 degrees. jump farther of the net.

    hope, I answered it right.

  3. you should always be there for the block. when you go to tip it, go up like your going to slam it down then just use your fingertips and push it right ovwer their blocker's fingers.

  4. Anthony said some good stuff.

    I would agree that you need to work on reading setters a lot. Lower level girls setters have to put some weight behind their outside sets because they aren't very strong yet. This is just advice though, and is a broad generalization. Try to figure out  how good their setter is as fast as possible and decide what their habits are.


    First of all you want to always look like you are going to pound the ball even if you plan to tip it. Tipping to a good spot will not win the point if you make it too obvious.

    Also, when hitting basic quicks in the middle and the outside on the other side of the net has come in to double block you, it sometimes leaves an unprotected area where the blocker came from. So tip to where the blocker just came from, so if you hide it, and the left back is not very good, you should get the point. Don't use any one tip too often though.

    For hitting, work on your transition. Middles who are slow to get off after blocking are not a threat to the other team. I'm an outside, and when my middle is two slow I have to go up against walls. Not very fun for me.

    Also make sure that the angle of your approach will let you hit to both sides of the block.

  5. Speed is key.

  6. For blocking, there are a couple things to key on. First, how does your coach want you to block? Does your team work towards getting two or even three blockers up? If so then you are more effective working with the other blockers when you react quickly to where the ball is set and meet up with the outside blocker to seal off the attack. If you are even a little late, it leaves a gap between you and your teammate that makes it easier to hit through. Sometimes, coaches want you to "zone" block, or simply take away either the line or the angle shot. When you have good defenders behind you, zone blocking makes a lot of sense. A big key to blocking is learning to "read" the opponents: Was it a bad pass? Then the setter won't have as many options, so it will probably be an outside set. Is the setter in the front row on this rotation? Then as a middle blocker, you have to watch the setter closely on a pass that is tight to the net - she may dump or attack the high pass. Glance at the hitters shoulder - if she is turned real far in or out, it's almost impossible to hit the other way. If you get into a one on one, you against the hitter, take a split second longer before you jump, then jump right into where the hitter is swinging. Or, as you start to jump, lean over one way, then jump the other way - sometimes you can confuse a hitter with where she thinks you will be and stuff the heck out of her.

    To hit harder, you need to get faster and add more wrist snap action. When you approach to hit, think "explode" and really get up in the air - this momentum will add to your power once you learn to control it. Also, snap your wrist on contact harder than you ever think you'll need too - check out the video clip in references below!

  7. Blocking- when the other player on the other team is about to spike the ball u should plant both feet on the ground then crouch real low then jump!! Time it though. Make Sure you look at the ball when u go u and block it.

    When hiting the ball-u what to time when u go u and hit the ball. When up in the air look were u are going to hit the ball that mean tips and dunking to.

  8. you cant read about how to become a better player.  learn from someone that is BETTER than you.  on a higher team or a coach or something.   just work on it! you have the height to be great at that postition.

    Good Luck! (take it from a 5/5 ex-player who played that position on occasion!!! you'll do better than me!!! :) )


  9. Blocking: make sure your fingers are spread apart, that way you cover more of the net.

    Tipping: if your a righty when you jump up to tip, tip with you LEFT coach told me to do it and it works.

    Dumping: make sure that you have a good spot to dump the ball at, otherwise the other team will be able to pick it up.

    Hitting: ask your setter to set you 1's, they are faster and it will catch the other team off guard. Try to hit the ball to the corners as much as possible. And if by chance you hit from left or right side, its best to hit line.

    **** before every play, have an idea of which spot you want to put the ball in if you get the chance (watch the other team during their warm ups so you can find their weaknesses)

    I play varsity high school vball so i know what I'm talking about. Hope this helps!!! :)

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