
BMR and Dieting Question?

by Guest60465  |  earlier

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I have a BMR of 1633 and I want to lose 1750 calories per day so how many calories should I be taking in per day?




  1. The goal is to consume 500 calories less than you burn per day to have weight loss.  At this rate, you will lose about a pound a week(3500 calories= a pound).   However keep in mind that a female should consume at least 1200 calories a day to maintain health. That's the minimun about your body needs to survice. If you are only burning 1633 calories a day, you should consume the minimum daily amount.  Anything lower than that for a period of time will result in your body going into starvation mode.  That's not what you want!  It will hang on to every ounce of fat and water in your system.  

    There is this great website that will do a profile for you and help you lose weight in a healthy way by counting your calories.  It will even let you log everything you consume in a day and give you a total.  

    Here's site:  

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