
BNP. I have read their policies from their website out of curiosity, and i absolutely find them?

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d**n right great! how can you read them and absolutely not agree with the ideas that would be in place.

money goes into this country not the EU, money into infrastructure/schools/hospitals etc... capital punishment for paedo's...etc sooooooo many people want this but would not vote for the bnp.

how can this be wrong in so many peoples eyes??




  1. I could not agree more. Sadly, the sheeple carry on voting for the current scumbags and are duped by the anti-BNP lies promulgated by the media, et al..

  2. Policies are not reality. The BNP has no experience of running anything. The few local council members they got elected have mostly not been re-elected and they were unable to put in place any changes to local laws that reflect their ideology.

    Their Little Britain ideology will not work, for all the money going into the EU there are millions coming back in development funds all over the UK. They don't like the EU because it is made up of "foreigners".

    Please don't forget the BNP has it's roots in ultra-right wing politics and had an earlier iteration as a Brownshirt style paramilitary organisation intent on "repatriating" all non-whites (including 2nd and 3rd generation that were actually born in the UK).

    They are simply another thinly disguised proto-Fascist organisation that has switched it's hatred from Jews to non-Caucasians.

  3. Page 52, points seven and eight.

    The BNP will remove our automatic right to vote.

    How is that right?

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