
BNP & Immigration?

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Are the small islands of the UK too over populated. Is it time to stop people coming over here breeding and filling this small country with people??




  1. It seems entirley reasonable that one of the most crowded countries in Europe should have strict policies on immigration.

  2. 1st answer - noticed who is answering it.

    facts: the BNP are not natzi's at all! they're totally the opposite to that because they are getting jewish votes.

    Yeah, some idiots have joined the bnp and give them bad names, but they are working to stop this.

    Most newspapers give them a bad name and brainwashed alot of people.

    but notice that people are sick of labours broken promises and are voting the bnp

  3. Darwin's law of "Survival of The Fittest" is the real TRUTH that the liberal left would never accept. And an African toilet cleaner is way low down on the food chain; so if they die they die, it's a natural phenomenon and we shouldn't interfere. Just leave them there.

    And, surely what the BNP proposes is EMIGRATION. As immigration is folk coming into the country, D'OH !!!

  4. Over-populated ?

    Not even the UK government know

    how many immigrants are here !,

    & thats LEGAL immigrants !.

    we must also stop the entry

    of relatives & 'extended family'.

  5. Not really. The UK has comparatively low urban density - compare London to places like Hong Kong. we could quite easily support a third of our population again. People have been saying this kind of thing for centuries.

    People coming over here and breeding is actually a good thing. Britain has a low birthrate and an ageing population. A certain level of immigration is actually vital to maintain our workforce and economy.

    The BNP are n***s - and I mean this entirely literally. They try to pretend they are just anti-immigration. This is not the case. There are photos of BNP leaders giving Hitler salutes, and marching with swastikas. The current leader, Nick Griffin, edited an anti-Semitic magazine which denied the Holocaust.

  6. Yes; far too many immigrants allowed in.

  7. Just base any immigrant on a cost / benefit analysis.

    Will they / we bring a benefit to UK PLC.

  8. Yes they are - indeed the world is grosly overpopulated. Never mind, nature will find a cure.

  9. On average more people are leaving the UK than entering .... you also need immigration as the population is aging - hence you need people that are of working age so that taxes can be claimed etc to support this older population.

    I've also seen in a documentary by John Snow ... that we are only actually living on and utilising something like 15% of the land in terms of urban development

  10. I like the work by Thomas Mathison (sp?) about keeping the population down cos of limited resources etc....

  11. Yawn.......................................

  12. Yes I'm with you.

  13. If your white your welcome.

    If your not your not.

    There are mass amounts of whites fleeing the UK.

    The socialist government are forsaking the aboriginal people of the UK in favour of the black hordes, they are doing this because the immigrants vote Labour. The white population can't see a future in the UK for them & the tension between the races is reaching breaking point. I can see the BNP, BPP & NF gaining a good foot hold I can also see there is going to be civil unrest in the near future One day there will be the sparks a riot & the British people will of just had enough.

  14. No - they're not, there's plenty of space as people have already stated.

    Is it time to stop people breeding? The ones to stop breeding are the scum who claim dole from the age of 16 when they leave school with no qualifications to their name; the ones who have child after child because then they are eligible for larger houses and more benefits - whereas people like me (there are many) work hard but can't afford to buy their own house, have children or have leisure time.

    In the past twelve months I have had to cancel my gym membership, quit smoking, cut back on food to only get essentials - and usually own brands as they're better value and why? because of immigrants? no - because of the masses of dole dossers who are educated by their parents to sit on their @ss and watch Jeremy Kyle and breed illiterate scum to follow in THEIR footsteps who use up MY taxes in their benefits and then moan about the immigrants who are "taking their jobs."

  15. Its past  the time to curb immigration, should have been done twenty years ago. Anybody who says we need all these immigrants to help this country, tell me why so many of them are unemployed and on benefits, its a joke.

  16. It is not simply a question of room, it is a point of culturally compatibility. They talk about encouraging both intergration and multi-culturalism, but surely thats two binary opposites! I personally find the muslim areas of the north of england are an insult to me. They have simply set up cultural bastions where it reflects everything from middle eastern countries (except the weather) and ive travelled the middle east. On a really hot day Bradford could easily double for damascus. I also want to travel to india and experience the culture and people, but would a train ticket to leciester be cheaper? This isnt a view i reserve for Britian, this is a world view. Thousands of years of very different cultural development make some cultures and nations not very compatible with others. People that immigrate to another country and adapt with the existing culture should only find resentment from people that have issues with race.  If you look at recent immigration it is simply poorer populations moving to countries where they can 'get more for less'. I cant blame the individuals but countries that have historically got things right have to put defences in place to stop people simply bringing their culture in and reaping the benefits that our british ancestors laid down for us. Maybe not everything we did historically was very nice but the world has only recently become a lot more liberal and benevolent. Go back 100 years and it was a dog eat dog world. We have a population of our own that needs a seriously good slap. But as for the economic immigrants i tend to view them with distrust. Like the poles who i seperate into 2 groups, the poles who have worked hard for the own nation and helped to improve the economy there, and the leaches who simply stormed the borders of the Uk to fill their own pockets.
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