
BONE INDENTIFICATION HELP Can anyone help me determine what kind of bone I found and what animal it is from?

by  |  earlier

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I can send pictures or will post them here if someone tells me how.




  1. an extinct human relative.

  2. mmm... i can tell you some 'things' about it... it was a mature / or older animal, the size of a Small horse or cow, it's a vertebra from the neck, not the rib cage or lower back, and the animal has been dead for years.. over 30 years, I'd bet.

      It has been under the surface quite a while, it was once above ground, and the carcase decomposed a while prior to complete burial, or decomp had finished.

      It's not a buffalo, nor is it fossilized that i can see, and it hasn't started to turn to pulpy matter yet, so it has been void of oxygen, and safe from freezing and weather elements

       The inner cellular structures are void and in tact, that means no excessive moisture  or extreem temperature variations...  and the disk contact is broken and that makes me think some sort of trauma, ...whether after or before death i cant tell from the photo , but it looks like after to me.

      My 'guess' is it's a horse, or an animal that size.

  3. Upload it to flickr, right click on the image and select "copy image location", then paste in additional details.

    That is definitely a vertebrae, but to what I am not sure.  Where do you live and about what size is it?

  4. Try your nearest natural history museum. If the bone was found in isolation it will be diffcult to say. If there are other bones in the immediate vicinity they may give a clue.

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