
BOXER vs BODY BUILDER? who will win?

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if there will be a fight between a boxing champion and a strong bodybuilder like that of arnold schwarzenegger

who will win,on a open road and why?

give your answer in points like






jesus love all




  1. boxer will win,bodybuilder has no chance.I have seen one such fight,it has  finished in seconds.

  2. 1) the boxer will win because he does cardio training

    2) the body bulider will lose because he is muscle bound

    3) the boxer will win because he does different training than the body bulider

    4) The boxer will win hands down no question

  3. Assuming they are roughly of a similar size, boxer, they are trained fighters.  If the boxer weighs 100 lbs and the muscle-head weighs 275, different story.

    jesus does not love all, he is dead

    and I'll format my answer as I please, thank you

  4. bodybuilders are usually too bulky to even wipe their own ***.

    the boxer will pick them apart slowly.

  5. Boxer, easily.

    1) First off, lets identify the difference between body building and strength training. The goal of body building is to sculpt good looking muscles, while the goal of strength training is to actually get stronger. They are not the same. Notice how people in strongman contests don't look nearly as chiseled as bodybuilders, yet are a lot stronger. In fact, I'm pretty sure that if you grabbed a wrestler and body builder of the same weight, the wrestler would be considerably stronger.

    Point being, the actual 'strength advantage' won't be very significant if both fighters are of similar size.

    2) Also, let's look at the fact that strength does not equal power. Strength determines your ability to push and pull -- not strike. So just because somebody is big and has a lot of muscles doesn't mean that they hit much harder than anyone else of the same weight.

    Power, more than anything else, is about shifting your weight behind your strikes. There is no boxing champion out there who doesn't know how to do this, and do it d**n well. If the boxer and bodybuilder were the weight, it is guaranteed that the boxer would hit a SH*TLOAD harder than his bodybuilding counterpart. Even if the boxer weighed less, he could probably still hit harder than his opponent.

    3) Muscle helps to absorb damage; it's a natural armor against concussive blows. Both boxers and body builders have a lot of muscle.

    However, there is a bit more to taking a hit than being muscular. You also have to be used to it, mentally. Those who do not get hit hard on a regular basis don't realize their actual threshold for pain and damage. They don't know how much punishment they can actually take and are not used to pain. As such, when people get hit, they often succumb to the pain -- even though they're not all that damaged.

    The more broken -- mentally -- the bodybuilder gets as he's hit, the more he'll defensive or sloppy he'll get, which will leave him open for even more punishment. But even beyond the mental aspect, his body isn't as conditioned to taking shots, so he'll probably fold in both respects after a few punches are landed.

    4) What good are strikes that don't land? Through experience and training, boxers know how strikes and avoid receiving them. Bodybuilders don't (inherently) have any clue about this. It's pretty safe to bet that the boxer will land a lot more hits than the bodybuilder in this fight.

    5) Consider fighting spirit, which a boxer hones through hard sparring and competition. A bodybuilder probably won't have that, unless he was just a tough-cookie anyways. Either way, its unlikely that the bodybuilder would be as focused or determined in a fight as a champion boxer.

  6. Boxer would win.

    1. Boxer trains for endurance.

    2. Boxer trains 'twitch' muscles, fast firing needed in fight.

    3. Boxer needs to move fast in a fight, and has muscles for this.

    4. Bodybuilder would probably inflict more damage if boxer held in range.

  7. the boxer...lets not be stupid.....would the boxer stand a chance at body building....whats wrong with people?

  8. a boxer because bodybuilders are usually only big and bulky and not very agile. the boxer would just keep his distance and keep puching.

  9. a body builder would win, one punch from a body builder would most likely kill you....

  10. The boxer will win, only because the bodybuilder is probably musclebound.

  11. "Musclebound" and "big and bulky" are myths, boys and girls.  If the body builder has any skills, like wrestling, he's gonna flatten a boxer.  Of course you don't say how big the boxer is...

  12. It will depend who is the natural fighter, body builders are just mass and not necessarily good at fighting. A good boxer will ensure that the enemy dosent get near him, save to recieve a very hard punch to floor him. Remember that old fool frank bruno, he was a body builder dressed up as a fighter, he was about as mobile as a quadraplegic.


  14. A good boxer with power could win.....

  15. technique is more than muscle. technique is more than size for the most part. look at royce gracie vs. ken shamrock or  kimo. technique is everything.

    i outwrestled the strongest kid in my grade. i wrestled for 4 years and he was bench pressing 300 pds,  but had never wrestled before. i was 155 pd and he was around 180.

    technique is the s**z!

  16. Boxer. Fighting is not simply strength it has to be allied to technique.

  17. The bodybuilder if he boxed before becoming a gorilla

  18. Make no mistake whatsoever, the professional boxer would destroy the so called body builder. The pumped up muscles of a steroid soaked weight trainer are not nearly as strong as they look. But the big difference is the size of the fight in the man not the size of the man in the fight. Believe me, I do know what I am talking about on this subject. I have seen body builders in the ring in a number of Belfast boxing /weight lifting clubs getting punched to a pulp.

  19. so dumb.

  20. Obviously the boxer, as they're trained fighters

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