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Okay, I have a boyfriend but there's like a BIG PROBLEM. I like this other guy! My friend (Danielle) and I went to the mall with him @ the beginning of summer, and that was when I was single. This guy (Dylan) and I got along very very well. He smiles @ me a lot and I love hanging out with him. Now, my boyfriend. He's a really nice guy, but we fight sometimes. He's been cheated on before, but he asks me if I am ALL THE TIME!! He even asked my sister!!!!! I would NEVER cheat on anyone and I told him that but he asked her anyway!!! He tells me he loves me all the time, but he wants me to marry him!!!! I'm only 15 and he's 17 (Dylan is 15). He says if I leave him he will hurt himself, but I really really do care about him A LOT. I really wouldn't want him to do that. I haven't seen him once this summer. Like I said, I hung out w/ Dylan, but that was when I was single. Otherwisee, I haven't seen him either. Now my bf doesn't even know I ever liked him, so why would he be suspicious all the time??? Yes, I like Dylan, BUT I WOULD NEVER CHEAT ON ANYBODY!!!!! My current bf is my first, so he wouldn't even have to worry about any exes. He says I'm his one and only, but when he had a different gf, he said the same about her! I called my best friend and told her about the situation. Her and Dylan are best friends, so she knows like everything about him, and they dated in the past so she knows what he's like. She told me he's a really sweet guy and would take things slow. She said if things don't work out w/ my bf and I ask him out, I won't even have to worry about rejection. She also said his parents are really nice. Now I really care about my bf, but if we're talking on the phone, his dad (he's Hmong/Asian) will pick up the phone and I guess he yells @ him 2 get off the phone (I can only tell by the tone of his voice cuz he speaks a different language). DON'T GET ME WRONG - Ths doesn't mean I'm racist either. And at the moment I can't call him cuz something's wrong w/ his phone and he has no cell phone. His dad does, but he won't let him use it til 9 cuz that's when it's free minutes. I'm just sooo annoyed sometimes when he asks if I'd ever cheat on him, which I wouldn't! And with him wanting to marry me, well I'm only 15 and he'll be 18 in November. I don't turn 16 til June. I know I'm young and should be enjoying life, not talking about marriage already. But I tried breaking up w/ him, and he started crying, so it's very hard. I even tried taking a 3 day break, but he said he wasn't sure if he wouldn't have a new gf by then!!!! And he cried over THAT - a 3 day break!! We haven't kissed yet and he's already talked about french kissing a few times! Don't get me wrong - I really really care about him and want him to be happy. We've been dating almost 2 months. What should I do???? PLEASE HELP I DON'T KNOW WHAT TO DO AT ALL!!!!!!! 10 POINTS FOR BEST ANSWER!!!!!!




  1. Well trust is the most important thing in a relationship, and if he can't trust that you are faithful to him, you guys shouldn't be together. I do also think he is a lot more serious about the relationship, talking about marriage is too much for a 15 year old. And to top it off, if you feel you would have a better relationship with the guy Dylan, go for him.  

  2. Ok right now the other guy doesn't even matter. i think you should break up with this guy ASAP! All the crazy signs are there! 1st he is always asking you if you are cheating on him and even though he has been cheated on he should TRUST you. 2nd if he gets mad if you ask him if he cheats then that is another reason to get out. And telling you that you are the one when you are only teenagers is kind of creepy plus he told his ex girlfriend the same thing which means he is just trying to get at you. and second he cried when you broke up with him! OMG he is just trying to make you feel bad and stay with him. and hurting himself to get you not to break up with him is just stupid on his part and is trying to make you feel bad.  and that three day break thing is stupid! he didnt know if he was going to have another girlfriend by then?? What a jerk! why would he get another girlfriend if you were the one? break up with his ***! but a word of caution he sounds kind of dangerous so tell someone you are breaking up. and don't go out with this other guy immediately afterword. ok? hope i helped you!  

  3. Many guys threaten they will hurt themselves over a break up

    but many really don''t hes just trying to scare you

    Just break it off with him .or just slowly stop talking to him

    And it sounds like he doesnt trust you..that's bad enough and hes a tad bit older than you

    Stick to dating guys that are on the same maturity level

    Dylan seems like a nice guy and youve seen him way more than your actual boyfriend

    So what the h**l just dump the 17 year old and go with Dylan

    The 17 year old will get over it he's going to turn 18 soon there is no reason why he should be messing with a  15 year old kid.

    So just live it up no reason to stress

    go fro Dylan .be happy = )

  4. Okay I've seen this happen a lot of times.. My advise (not sure you want to hear it , but it's for the Best) is break up with him NOW.

    You know if he doesn't trust you,  that's only a reflection of himself.

    Because who talks about marriage, but then doesn't know if he would have another gf in 3 DAYS?????

    He's trying to make you jealous with words because he doesn't have anything else to make him feel more secure about getting you to stay with him. This in combination with the crying and the thing about him hurting himself is nothing more than emotional blackmail!!!!  And the worst thing is that YOU let him do it.

    (sorry for any hard words by the way)

    This will never change, it will only get worse. If you stay longer he will accuse you for having played with his feelings  for súch a lóng time. So that he can convince you to stay longer and show him that you didn't.  It's going to be a never ending story. And it will only get harder and harder when time goes by.

    If you feel secure about yourself and you love the other you are with, then you have no problem with the other enjoying him/herself. And you know why??????

    Because that's what YOU deserve !!!!!!  Don't try and live your life for somebody else, try to live it for yourself and share that with the one you love.

    P.s don't mind the spelling. Lot's of love and good luck (with Dylan ;) ??? ) from Holland

  5. if you like another guy,  you HAVE to break it off with your boyfriend. i would hate if my boyfriend liked another girl and didnt tell me anything about it. yes, you're gonna hurt him. but if you keep waiting, then it's gonna hurt him even more.

  6. I empathize with your sticky situation. It is obvious to me that your current boyfriend has extremely low self-confidence and a terrible opinion of himself that makes him afraid of rejection, abandonment and he has staggeringly huge feelings of inadequacy. All of these issues makes him cry, want to cling to you, and suggest marriage even though you both are far too young.

    Of course you don't want to hurt him, but the reality that you haven't been dating him for very long at all, and you are far too young to be in a serious romantic relationship. Also, you recognize that he cannot have a happy romantic relationship with anyone until he gets the help he needs, and there is no reason you should allow yourself to be dragged down into his mess.

    Be polite, wish him well, and firmly break up with him for your own good.

  7. Okay first of all u r only 16 and u like dylan and he is sweet and everything that is the guy u need. Some guys out their that do that they will ask u r u cheating on me? If u like dylan so much go with him. Don't cry over that other guy ur going out with now cause secnod of all thier is a age difference ur 16 and he will be 18. And I knw u have been through alot with him but guess what god is saying it is time to move on. U knw ur not ready for marriage and he is going to fast take ur time an think who u want to be with the 18 yr old or Dylan? If u have feelings for Dylan than stand up and tell Dylan how u really feel for him.

    U breaking up with the other guy don't worry bout him  let him cry. He knws what he did wasn't right ya'll fightting each other. NO GRL u need a guy like Dylan he sweet he won't agure w u and most importantly he won't rush into marriage. Get my point see most grls want men who r older and hurting them and they think it is oky. ITS NOT grl god is telling u Dylan is the one for u he's respectful, funny, nice parents and being thier for u. U need to make a change god is giving u a change make the right desicion god is saying that is the guy u need in ur life. message me if u have other questions bout anything.

  8. okay, wow!, lol.

    well you have 2 choices..

    your first choice is: really need to think about it..who do you like more? From what I see, I think you should be with Dylan because of many reasons: first of all..Dylan is your age.. a lot of people say 'age is but a number' but to me age is a big deal! And like you said yourself, you're only 15! Thats not the right age to get married..I know you really care about your current boyfriend but you really need to let him go. I mean, try breaking up again.... let him cry if he needs to..but breaking up is better than cheating on him. You're not cheating on him, && you would never right? SO, you need to break up. Now..if you think you like your current boyfriend more..I guess the only thing you can do is just keep going out with him and eventually you'll get over Dylan. But I recommend you to break up with your current boyfriend...I could see you really care about him but you could just be friends..

  9. Well i think you should do what you think is best and most of the time when a boy says if you break up with him he will hurt himself its just to scare you but dont stress about it what ever happens happens if you really wanna be with the other guy then go for it but think about it first dont do anything that you might regret

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