
BOy iSsUeS-- PLEASE ANSWER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

by  |  earlier

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soooo............i really really really want this guy to like me!! he's a grade ahead but were both 14. any ideas on how to get him to like me???!!!! please answer:)




  1. Flirt around a little. Find out what he is interested ,,,, and start a conversation .... really get to know is friends... i guess thats it.  

  2. you dont have to let him notice you by doing stuff. but if your so desperate then go for it girl! just dont over do it. remember that you only like him but not love him.. he might fall deeply to you while you falling out from him.

  3. go and show the beauties of your body in to him with hot looks

  4. stop focusing on liking a boy....focus on your talent and Witt's ( which means brain power) then you won't be so busy wondering how to get this boy to notice you, he will already now you and see you more than you know!  as a girl you have power to attract positive guys or horny nasty guys and the road your on now is leading to hot and horny. just be yourself and excel in your school work and social life and all the boy's and your guy will be eating out of your hands!:) on a older women to younger women note, cause your a teenager, your 1/3 grown.....s*x at a young age is not the way to go... girls loose their virginity around your age, for chasing boys....please be smart let your life take it's course you have plenty of life ahead of you and s*x isn't the biggest thing in the world.....their is life beyond the sheets.

  5. Confidence is always the most attractive quality in a person.  If you talk to this boy in a friendly an confident way it'll be an excellent way of getting him to notice you.

    If you can attain what his interests are so you'll be able to talk confidently about a subject he's interested in that'll do wonders.

    The trump card is always letting him know how you feel, if he's even got the SMALLEST of interests in you, if you let him know you like him it'll bring those feelings to the surface and he may just like what he feels

  6. i say just talk to him , get to know each other and stuff, it usually works for me.

    hope this helps.xx

  7. you cant force a guy to like you! but a way to help it is to talk to him

  8. I'm 14 too

    I think you should just act normal and be your self around him and if you want you could ask him out if it doesnt work out you will soon get over him and go on to another guy

    HAVE FUN!!! :)

  9. the best way.....  be his closest friend.... and there's 99 percent chance that you two will have a relationship... ok!

  10. If he doesn't like you, he doesn't like you.

    The end.

    If he does, then ask him out (:

  11. from experience...have fun, your 14 with no worries, you will want these days back- i promise...but if you wanna have some fun find out what he likes and invite him to go out somewhere...even if you guys dont work out, there is always possible life long friendship and a exciting memory...also get to know him before you really wanna date him...he might get on your

  12. wait untill your able to drive to have a relationship cause do you really want your mommy to drive you two around everywhere???

  13. Impress him with your oral skills.

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