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ANYONE LIVED THERE OR currently leaving in Brazil is it ?

Whats an average salary for a white male ?

Do they speak Portuguese?

Where is the best place to move ?




  1. yes, they speak portuguese in for best places to move, it all depends on your preferences...if u want a HUGE city, then sao paulo and rio de janeiro are the best....i also love fortaleza(not too big)...your salary depends on the job u and government probably make the most...doctors there make nothing compared to here. any more questions, just let me know. i love brasil

  2. Well, if you didn't even know that they speak Portuguese in Brazil, i don't think you'll have a fun time actually learning it (considering you will have to - well - if you do intend to live there)

    If i were you, i'd probably forget about Brazil, as it is a very racially diverse nation and, obviously, you seem to be a little racist..

  3. The salaries in Brazil are determined by your professional habilities and qualifications, not by your race. I have to tell you, that's a very embarassing question.

  4. They speak portuguese.When it is summer here it is winter there or if it is winter here it would be summer there same thing as spring and fall! It is very hot there! They sell homemade food around the corners. They use a small airplane or a train to travel. They even call soccer futebol! They call ##1 um!

  5. So...let me just ask you...Are you racist ? cause the question "whats and average salary for a white male" creeped me out, don't do that, as a brazilian I want to let you know something, yes there is some discrimination in that level in Brazil, but far less than in the before you go there try and get to be wiser, before asking something like that, Brazil is a country where races are far so mixed up that it's hard to tell if you are either white, black, chinese...german, irish, indian...whatever...ok !? I'm not trying to be a smart ***, just letting you in a whole different culture...Well, yes Portuguese is our language, somewhat different from portuguese from portugal, the best place to move ? depends on what you're looking for, if you like colder places go to the south of the country, if you like hot-paradise beach like place go to the northeast, if you like big cities go to Sao Paulo or Rio de Janeiro...there's an infinity of possibilities, every place there has its own charm...but beware of violence and crime ... I wouldn't go to Rio for example...even though everything would depend on the neighborhood you'd live...I see maybe you're going to Brasilia ? well, I've never been there, but being the capital of the country you bet as a big city, that also means you'd have more job oportunities, I have to tell you, average salary in Brazil is not as good as in the US, you'd probably be paid every month...that's how they count work and money...not per hour or week...or bi-week...

    Good Luck over there, you'll see it's a country of rich culture and its people are the greatly nice, warm and loving...
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