
BREAKING DAWN- What page is it when Renesmee says 'my Jacob'??

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I have read the book, and I remember Renesmee talking to Bella and saying something like 'wolf-people like my Jacob'. I wanted to go back and re-read that part, but I can't find it! It is driving me crazy; I must have flipped through chapters 30-36 twenty times!

Please tell me what page number it is on!




  1. Imprinting does not necessarily mean sexual relationship.  I know to horny teens it seems to mean only that, but that is because you think everything is about s*x and are dismayed when t is not about that.  

    Imprinting  is a bond not a relationship.

    I have people in my life I am bonded to but neither of us would ever dream of taking it further.   When you are imprinted you never have to worry about the friendship ending.  You just know no matter what happens you are going to be close to that person.  

  2. i dont know, try reading the chapter u think its in again...don't just skim...thats happened ot me alot too.

  3. I don't know because I have a .pdf of it, but I thought that it was really creepy.

  4. I have no idea sorry! lol

    I want to know too.. xD

  5. OK, I went back and looked and the quote you are looking for is on page 592; 5 paragraphs down (Nessie's actually talking to everyone, not just Bella). :)

    "'I would never hurt Grandpa or Sue or Billy. I love humans. And wolf-people like my Jacob.'"

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