
BREAKING NEWS: Chinese gymnasts KEEPS medals. Now what?

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  1. "We played fair at this Olympic Games,” Liukin’s father and coach, Valeri, said after they arrived back in the United States. “… If somebody cheated, shame on them.”

    Is he implying on the Chinese?

    Can all these ppl learn to let go and just leave the poor little chinese girl alone?

    I've said this before and i will say it again, if at this point in time, the US was the gold medallist winner and the chinese silver, would there still be this issue of underage problem?

    it will not even arise because the chinese gymnast will accept this professionally.. pls.. can we just learn to let go...

    all these controversies will do alot of damage to the young gymnast He kexin..

  2. Well answers show foreigners still crying, nothing changed just yet.

  3. now what? how about all those people congratulate the chinese on their great performance.

    But ofcourse they will just turn their attention to the judges.

  4. You're going to get swarmed by angry Americans.  I don't know about finality on the issue, but they definitely couldn't trust a hacker of all people.


    I don't know what your definition of a hacker is, but that's what your media has called him/her.

    I personally think that maybe the IOC is dropping the issue too quickly, if this story is true, but there should be experts working on this issue.  They should not have  to rely on a hacker to get answers.

    I personally don't care anymore.  There's so much c**p going on that, if I could, I would give back the 2 gold medals in exchange for the IOC to lower its age limit to 14 again.  If the best athletes in the world are 14, why not let them compete at the Olympic Games?  It's just a stupid rule to begin with, and it's causing all of this unnecessary controversy.

    Should Americans be unhappy?  Of course they should.  It is a rule, and if it is broken, the perpetrators should pay.  But it's not doping or having 20-year olds play in the Little League World Series.  This rule should never have been in there in the first place, so the U.S. could've sent their best gymnasts, China could've sent their best gymnasts, and the results would've been clean, whether the U.S. won or China won as a result of it.

  5. Now what, I doubt it will matter to the pissed off anti-America people, as you cans see by some of the answers.

  6. Now what, why don't you tell us, this is your question.

  7. proof needs to be shown they are underage. Without proof you cannot buy the story with blind faith.  

    And I do know that in many cultures like chinese, thai, vietnamese etc etc people of same age are much more thinner, skinnier and look as if they are underfed compared to Americans.  Their body appearance is much smaller to the westerners despite same age.  Obesity is rare in such places unlike America.

    I have a Chinese friend at my university. He looks like a 15 year old but is 23. I was stunned at hearing his age.

    It maybe that some "excuses" are being made for not being able to overpower the Chinese in gymnastics.

  8. Quote from a previous poster "Now, will Steve Penny, president of USA Gymnastics, and Valeri Liuskin apologise to the whole world for raising up the issue and implied that the Chinese gymnast was underaged? Or will they be too cowardly to do so now?"

    Hey Idiot did you know that a previous Chinese Gymanist medal winner from the 2000 Olympics admited to being only 14 years old !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! at the time she won her medal. HHHMMMMM you think she should apologize to the world for lying !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  any body that gives a thumbs down to this needs to have their head examined. She cheated so she should apologize as well. duhhhhhhh

    In Reply To Fallen Angel. In reply to your answer, there have been many countries that  had doped up athletes even worse than the U.S !!!!!!.  For example East Germany back in the 80's when the german women swimmers that dominated in the pool,  were caught.  Alot worse than the U.S...dude !!!! Soviet athletes from the late 70's and 80's espeacialy in  weight lifting and the wrestling events, again alot worse than the U.S !!!!!! and the list goes on & on...and whose  the simpleton here ????????... Back on you bud !!!!!

  9. Now, will Steve Penny, president of USA Gymnastics, and Valeri Liukin apologise to the whole world for raising up the issue and implied that the Chinese gymnast was underaged?  Or will they be too cowardly to do so now?

    But I guess that both of them are just cowards, and only USA sees cowards as heroes, in the same way they celebrate drugs cheats.  **tigers24, why don't you mention that there were so many exposed drugs cheats in USA, and that all USA athletes are now on drugs?  You are indeed a simpleton!

  10. Now we can stop bitching and crying.  

  11. yes i bet the IOC will have wait for the accusation of corruption next

  12. now everyone can stfu about the age issue.  

  13. Perhaps people can start accepting the other possibilities.

    -The person entering the data into the file made a typo.

    -They made her *younger* to compete in the local competition

    -Its a completely different person (Hey, there is 1.3 billion people there, it could happen)

    -China actually won fairly.

    Yoda: LOL! Whats worse, is that this 'supa 1337 haxer' considers using Google Cache "Hacking". How embarrassment.

  14. Well we will see after the Olympic Committees investigation.

    As on some documents and the site of the General Administration of Sport of China that showed both He and Yang were too young to compete.

    He was born Jan. 1, 1994, according to the 2005, 2006 and 2007 registration lists. Yang was born Aug. 26, 1993, according to the 2004, 2005 and 2006 registration lists. In the 2007 registration list, however, her birthday was changed to Aug. 26, 1992.

    So it wont be over till the official investigation is.

    I'm not angry.. tho I think if its found to be true that the girls are underage, it will say much about the lengths people will go to win. I feel sorry for the girls to be put in that position and shame on the adults if its true.

  15. People are still not going to believe it because it was on NBC and they always get the story right don't they.

    I bet we don't see to many apologies for accusing people of cheating without proof.

  16. I havn't seen this on the news yet - I assume you mean the IOC (i.e. the official) investigation has been done. It will only matter if everyone who has doubts shuts up and agrees with it.

  17. now all you people whinging and moaning about cheaters will have to accept that your athletes got beaten by a better athlete and not a cheat..

  18. Now what: foreigners will be asking this same question as you at least 100 times, mark my words.

  19. I am not surprised. The IOC has been bending over for the Chinese government at every turn and now they accept the documentation by the Chinese government? Riiiight. Any idiot could see the lie about the girls' ages.

    Now a notoriously corrupt and lying government that is DESPERATE to show a good face and win as many golds as possible to show their superiority says they have proof? What a crock.

    Of course, I'm sure it will be passed off as American jealousy, bitterness, etc, etc by the usual Anti-Americans. But, just remember this when one of your athletes gets screwed over.

  20. Trust me, the next questions you will see are 'IOC corrupted?', 'Do you think China bribed IOC?' and so on.

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