
BROWNISH YELLOW CM?! Does it mean anything, or am I being paranoid? Help!!?

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I just went to the bathroom on my way to take a nap, and brownish-yellow CM appeared on the TP. What is going on?

Then when I went to wash my hands, I noticed that my skin is breaking out majorly (for me, that means a tonne of barely noticeable breakouts) and it's usually perfect, if every so slightly more oily around AF. And she's not due for another 4 days, and and and....

*takes a deep calming breath*

If you read my last question, then you'll know I'm 12 DPO, had cramping 8-9 DPO, am feeling bloated/tight around my abdomen, have sore BBs, and (also just noticed) more veins showing up on those same BBs.!

Cervix is high and sensitive, and I'm really, really thirsty with no reason to be at all!!!

BFN on 9, 10 and 11th, and now I'm too scared to test. AF isn't due until the 21st (it's midday on Sunday the 17th here) so does anyone else think I could be pregnant or am I being incredibly paranoid about everyday things?!

Help if you can, thanks if you do!!

xo Cal




  1. sounds like implantation spotting to me!


    i'd wait a couple more days and test again, or if you can stand it, wait until the 22nd.

    best of luck to you :)

  2. I am kinda going through the same thing right now from what I have read it definitely sounds like you could be pregnant. I would recommend taking a HPT or going to your doctor and having him give you a blood test. Good luck!  

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