I have a MacG5 running OSX 10.4.10 and USED TO connect to Pipex broadband using a Speedtouch USB modem.My daughter recently got an iMac (Intel Processor) and I changed the SpeedTouch modem for the BT Voyager so that we could share the connection. I now connect via Ethernet directly from the local router whilst my daughter uses the inbuilt wireless (Airport) capability of her iMac. My son also joined in with an old PC with Win2000 and an external USB wireless connection.The good news is that it all worked out of the box and gives acceptable, but not great (500 to 800 kb/sec), performance.The BAD news is that since the introduction of the BT Router the ADSL connection keeps dropping out, I believe during times of inactivity requiring either the router or my G5 to have to be restarted. My Mac NEVER crashes irrestpective of what I might get up to.I had no DROP OUT problem with the SpeedTouch modem which was supplied by Pipex. Pipex technical support has been non existant.....After 30 mins hold etc I get answers like Turn Modem Off and try again! despite my stating that I have already explored such opportunities.I suspect that the issue lies somewhere in the Ethernet connection which was not used for the SpeedTouch installation. I would connect by wireless also if I had an Airport card but I don't.Are there any "Advanced" settings in Ethernet setup that should be set in order to maintain connection. Maybe the Ethernet goes to sleep when the G5 processor goes to sleep after X mins inactivity? Haven't actually tried turning "Sleep" off.Q1. What do you EXPERTS think the route cause of my problem might be?Q2. How do I get the router diagnostics to be activated / displayed on my Mac?