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people say they are colour blind bkoz its movement that provokes their anger but i heard somewhere that they can see a range of colours and arent completely colourblind (black and white)




  1. Something that many people don't know, is that bovines are almost completely blind.  They not only see in black and white, but with very little definition.

  2. I don't know about you, but colorblindness is generally the lack of definition between certain colors, such as blues and purples, not all colors. If I can only see shades of gray (white to black) I am pretty sure I count as significantly colorblind...

    Take care.

  3. Cattle are dichromatic.  Humans are trichromatic.  Cattle can, absolutely, see color.  They simply do not have the same range as humans and other trichromates do.  In fact, cattle can fully see the color red.  I can't remember what color they can't see.  I'm thinking it is greens or blues.

  4. Cattle can not see in color.  They can see the 256 shades from white to black.  They also have limited depth perception.  However, they do have good peripheral vision, about 300 degrees.  

    That red cape hanging in the air looks like a black hole to them.  What they are trained to do is chase the matador.

  5. They arent completely colorblind so to speak, but they can see in shades of black and white and gray. Yes, and contrary to what people say, its not the color red that provokes them, but its actually movement that attracts them. If you stand completely still, even with full red clothing, they wont notice you.

    In fact, they once tested this on a discovery channel show Mythbusters, and they confirmed this. =]

  6. I love animals. I empathise with all of them. But I once had an experience with a bull that has left me emotionally shattered. I was jogging in a bright black T-shirt. I suddenly noticed a bull running towards me on the road. The funny part was it was passing a lot of people while coming at me but not even brushing past them. It just completely ignored everything and everybody and was directly focused on goring my intestines out. It was galloping full speed towards me. I saw it at a distance of 300 between the two of us and I thought if I crossed the street and changed my side, it would ignore me. Surprize, surprize, Mr Bull crossed the street too and again started coming at me. I ducked and went into a tea shop. It came charging at the shop and was just about to wreck it when I took off my T-shirt and threw it on the ground. The bull stopped as if mesmerised and just went back. I still don't understand what happened and am deathly afraid of bulls.

    By the way, I have also had a nice experience with a white bull. The other one was black. This white bull saved my pet dog from other bulls by beating them black and blue and taking them away from my pet. Then we exchanged glances and I thanked the white bull.

    Hey, this is getting to be a bull story now.

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