
BUS DRIVER dumped kids?

by  |  earlier

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On Sunday morning at 8.30am we placed our 2 Boys 12 & 15 onto a V-Line service From Melbourne travelling to Yass NSW. They were to get the train to Albury then transfer to a Bus which would take them into Yass. Upon where they were meeting their grandparents. Around 1pm I got a phone call at work from My 15yr old to say they were in Cootamundra.(west NSW)When I asked him why he told me that when he asked for the connecting bus that there wasn't one????? Their tickets clearly stated V- line Melb - Yass. But wait it gets worse......Around 4pm they again rang to say they had arrived at Yass Junction Railway on a Country link Train station around 5 - 10 km and were getting the bus into Yass town. Around 15-30 minutes later they rang again to say the driver had not stopped in which we told him to tell the driver. He hung up to ring 5 minutes later to say they were off the bus and the driver had pretty much DUMPED them in Murrumbateman 17 KM from YASS & 39 km from Canberra. We spent hours trying to find out a)what was going on and b)who dropped them in the middle of nowhere to be told, The Bus from Albury left because of the heat, The driver forgot they were on the bus, Basically everyone trying to cover their a$$$ when the bottom line is 2 CHILDREN were dropped in the middle of nowhere on a main highway where anything could have happened because a Driver had a schedule to keep and couldn't be bothered driving back.

Yes we accepted responsibility for sending them but THEY WERE Booked onto a specific service and we double checked everything. The least we now expect is the driver to be sacked. We have since found out the driver says he didn't look at his Manifest when he had also told my son they were booked on the previous day yet another ???. Forget the fact we had to get someone drive to retrieve them and take them to their original meeting point since NOT everyone in this country uses a mobile. In the meantime Grandparents are waiting at the bus stop and we are 600km away. They spent over 2 hours stuck in Murrumbateman waiting whilst we tried to contact someone who was able to collect them.,

These 2 boys were getting very distressed and considered walking back along a main highway 19km to town.

We have been getting the run around non stop from both V-line and Countrylink who have all said we will investigate this is NOT good enough we are entitled to an immediate investigation into this whole issue from, Why they were told there was no Bus and put on a completely different service let alone a driver FAILING IN HIS DUTY OF CARE.

We are prepared to take this as far as we have to.




  1. They did not provide the service that you have paid for, so you are in title to get your full charges back and on top of that the expense you went to follow up with the kids.

    This is  a long process but they did not what they suppose to do. Then it is up to you what kind of action you should take.

    The best way talk to the service provider and I am sure they will reimburse everything back to you.

  2. Understandably you are angry but to be honest I would expect to put a 15 year old on a bus and hope they had the intelligence to speak up as they knew where they were going. Most 15 year olds should be able to cope with such a journey as long as they know where they are going.

    My child travelled far and wide at that age with no problems perhaps yours isn't ready for the responsibility yet.

  3. I believe the bus driver had a duty of care to his passengers to get them to where they were supposed to be.  12 and 15 year olds are not helpless babies, so it's not like you dumped them on him.  As part of his duty of care, he was supposed to check his manifest and deliver the children to their scheduled stop.  Considering the thousands of children who use Vline and interstate services daily for their commute to school, this is a terrible neglect of his duty of care as the driver.

    First of all, I see you have contacted Vline and Countrylink, to no avail.  I suggest you go to a lawyer and get a letter drafted outlining your dissatisfaction with their performance.  Get dates and facts organised.  You may be able to press charges against the bus driver for neglecting his duty of care towards your children.

    I would also consider contacting the Public Transport Ombudsman of Victoria and getting some advice.

    Or the NSW equivalent:  

    I didn't see a link for transport but there is a phone number you can call.

    Also, contact your local member of parliament and see if you can get any support from them.  They might be able to get some sense out of both Vline and Countrylink.

    The very least you deserve is an apology to both yourself and the boys.  Their treatment was disgraceful.

    Best wishes, and be persistent.

    Edit:  Miss P, it's country NSW and Victoria.  If you don't know anything about the pathetic public transport system in regional Australia, you shouldn't answer questions on it.  Leave the insults out please.  There ISN'T a less complicated route.

    Edit: Cavorim, busses only stop at designated points in Australian towns.  You can't just ask them to pull over and let you out where you like.

  4. Why aren't you cross with your boys for sitting on a bus whilst it passed thrugh the town they wanted to go to?

  5. The children where not the really the bus drivers responsibility. They are parents responsibility, if you or an appropriate adult couldn't go with them on such a long and complicated journey you shouldn't have sent them.The bus driver should have dropped them in the next town, but the bottom line is maybe you could have found a more direct route of getting them there.

  6. dont blame the bus driver he isn't responsible for your children you are. i would never let my children travel alone, stop blaming other people for your mistake.

  7. Its a long story but yes you should be annoyed at this, take it futher.

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