
(BUTT S..E..X..)How come he wants do it from the BACK DOOR? It's painful and I'm scared?

by  |  earlier

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I'm a black girl, I don't do that. He says all his ex- white girlfriends loved it.

He is my first white boyfriend and I'm afriad I don't want to do it.

Do all white men want and expect b.u.t.t. s.e.x?

If thats the case I'm afriad he will be my last white guy




  1. no not all white guys want that. im white and im not trying to sound guy but i have no desire to stick my d*ick where s*it comes out. thats just personal preference to me. and if he doesnt respect your decision then maybe you should leave him

  2. it's a one time thing, just for experience, after my girlfriend gave it to me, i didnt see what's up with all the fuzz about it, i'd still rather do it the normal way

  3. just give it a try dude!

  4. if you don't want to do it, then don't. Not all white men want husband thinks that is disgusting.

  5. hey no one is forcing don't like it..there is a word for it.. NO!!

  6. I think its utterly disgusting and im a white guy.

  7. Its a challenge to him to get you to say yes. Ive done it and its pretty overrated and can be disgusting. p**n videos make it look like everyone is doing it. Most women dont want to do it. Ive only had 2 women that actually asked for it.

  8. You are funny... I have never been with a black guy so I guess I thought that all guys wanted to do that to their partners. I have only been with white guys (just by chance) and they have all wanted to do that. hhhmmmmm.... interesting! I have done it with only my husband, and it hurt at first, but I like it now so all I can say is that if you are up for it go ahead and give it a try. If not, stand your ground! It's your body!

  9. ALL men WANT butt s*x!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...

    if it hurts than he is not doing it right

    you will enjoy it if your partner takes his time and prepares you for the experience correctly

    butt s*x is not for beginners !!!!!

    if you havent been together for a loonng time than I wouldnt even think about it

    there is a lot of responsibility that comes along with butt s*x.

  10. I wouldn't do it either.  All men seem to want it and once they get started it's like a conquest or something.  Just tell him no and if he cares for you really he will stop asking.  Ouch

  11. it's not a white thing... some not most but more than usual love the back-door. just tell him your not into it.he should respect that,if he gives you any-trouble tell him that the only way you will is if you do his back-door first, if he agrees than he's a white boy on the down-low so run as fast as you can. good luck

  12. Its taboo that's why they want it.

  13. LMAO!!! Your boy has an anal fetish and wants you to be his chocolate conquest...

    You should have paid close attention to the phrase 'All of my "EX" white girl friends'.

  14. You just have to talk about it with him. If this is just a sexual relationship, you should break it off. Unless that's what you want, if so then you should try it. But otherwise, there are many more white guys out there. Having many ex-wives, doesnt sound like he's serious.

  15. ok,I have done it and I like it,its not bad ,you should just ask him to do it slow and use lots of lubrication .dont be afraid ,just try it . you can doit for the first time by lieing  on your side with your partner entering from behind.(spooning position.)

  16. I would rather park it in the garage where it belongs  

  17. sorry darling but the only white girls i know who like that are p**n stars...and you know what happens to them right?...they have to were diapers cause of leakage...if ya get me...tell him no way...i dont know one white guy who would push the subject after the first no...if he's pushy tell him to hit the road

  18. JOY: this is yahoo answers, she has a question and she can ask it. If you don't like it just don't answer it Period.


    If you do not want to do it just tell your b/friend.  If you have fear that it will hurt, talk to him about your fears and read about that kind of s*x on the web. There are alot of  websites that tell you how to do it safely.

    Not all white girls like a.nal s*x.  I hated it at first but now i enjoy it. It is uncomfortable at first. It can be very painful if not do with lub.

  19. not all white guys want back door s*x and if he using tactics like all me white exs did then ask your self is he really worth it. a good bloke would respect your decision what ever it was and if youve tried it and it caused pain then dont do it jus to please him.  

  20. If you're not comfortable with it don't do it . Period !

    Me personally , I consider that as " exit only "

  21. say NO! if he does not respect you then find another  you  really know deep in your  heart that he  really------????               loves you  truly?  does it mean  he enjoy doing it while he  knows you are  scared and in pain?  

  22. Do not do anything sexually, that you do not feel comfortable with doing. You might want to do some research first. Be open and honest with him and let him know that you feel uncomfortable with that position. If he loves you, he will understand and be willing to work with you.

    You being black and him being white have nothing to do with it. I know plenty of white men who do not and plenty of black men who do. No all white men do not expect anal intercourse.

    If it is fear, that holds you back there are many good books that you can read on how to ease you into the first time, including exercises that you two can do together and offer lubricants that can help with that.

  23. Guys want it because they are told they can't have it.  I wanted it until I was granted permission, then the novelty was gone.  Maybe if you tell him he can the thrill will go away.  It's over rated.  Tell him to be happy with what he's got.  if it's not enough then he can find it elsewhere.

  24. Why do you people come on here and ask such questions. Who cares!!! If you don't want to do it then don't. You don't need the rest of the world to know how you feel......GEEZ!

  25. Whatever turns you on. If that's what turns him on then that's him. It doesn't mean all white guys are that way. Some black guys are that way. But you have to do what makes you feel good. If you think it will hurt you then its your right to refuse to do it that way. Is it you he likes or is the s*x? You have to live with yourself and you don't want that memory to be with you especially if it doesnt work out.

  26. you get diseases when you do that

    and people die when they do that

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