
BWJ , please post your tips before the race has run?

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We can pick winners after the event. I would have had 3 20-1 winners.

I noticed on Sunday you showed your true talent. 0 from 7




  1. do i detect sour grapes here.?

  2. just write on the betting slip. £100 win on the first horse past the winning post in the first race

  3. some days i go 0 for 12.....when it's 8 a.m. in the u.k. it's 12 a.m. here

    but on Saturday when i went 3 for 3.....did i cheat.....i do this for fun, i

    make sure all of my picks are in well before's sad that

    if someone is just as good as you, i won't even say better, but just

    as good. you should focus on your own picks not mine. feel free

    to e-mail me direct, and i will send you my best bet for 10 days in

    a row...8 hours before post......the game is to beat the bookies, not

    talk c**p about the next guy....i have 34 years of this, and won't stop

    until the casket drops, i just hope at the end my friend, you would

    end up in the winners i went 1 for 7 at plump ton, but

    my best bet did win....good luck Bernard s....and good racing.....


    you just want more free winners bernard is

  4. come on bernard you no as well as i do that bwj,s tips are well before post  it doesnt matter if he hits 0 from 7 just take a good look of his past tips i dont think there is anyone who can touch him if there is please be sure to let me no who they are ?

  5. why do you always feel the need to take a pop at some of the people on this horse racing site?, anyway, back to `bwj1963`, i seen the guy was giving tips at the start & kept a close eye as i do with many tipster on here, bwj is far the most profitable, he cant win all the time ( who can?) but ive made a nice profit from some of his tips & i hope he keeps posting them....btw what decent tips have you gave lately? EXACTALLY!!...dont knock the guy, you dont have to back his tips.

  6. Bernard, I think you are uncharitable.  Why don't YOU tip something and give some valid reasons for  your selection, then we can see how clever you are.  I must admit that playing several selections per day as BWJ is apt to do is not my recipe for betting but if he keeps a profit and loss account he should know what is best for him.

  7. Ah well, at least Horsemanspal is getting a rest!!

    Can you proove your suggestion? Interesting if you can!

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