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Who else is tired of people disrespecting baseball? For me baseball is my life. If there was no baseball i honestly wouldnt no what i would be doing right now. people say football is so much better. really? they say baseball is too boring? they say there is no risk to it at all?well first of all why is it better it just gives you a free opritunity to takle other men without admitting youre g*y.And how the h**l is it boring? when they are throwing the ball 90+ mph? now that may not be so exiting as when youre s******g your g*y partner. but hey? that will keep me entertained.then who ever said that a great sport had to give a risk? what douchebag came up with that? And actually i can still back that up come over to me and i will show you a "risk". And i am a football fan i just want to clear things up.





  1. Unlike a lot of sports, baseball is a precision sport. The "hard core contact"that sports like football and hockey have are missing. Sure there are collisions at the plate and breaking up double playes, but overall, it lacks this element. I love football, I think the contact element is great however I do agree with you about baseball being life.

    By being a precision sport, I mean that baseball is a game with little margin for error. The difference between a game winning strikeout and a game winning homerun is just inches inside/outside of where the initial pitch was thrown. To me thats exciting. Also, baseball is a much more mental game than others. That is another reason why I love it so much.

  2. Baseball is the best sport i know of. People who disrespect baseball normally do it because they know that if they were forced to play they would make a fool out of themselves. Softball & Baseball are my life. I play softball and watch baseball all the time. Football is a good sport but baseball is soo much better. i mean throwing a ball and running with it isnt as much fun to watch as hitting the ball and watching different plays being made to get teams out. There are risks to baseball.

    §You have collisions with the catcher and people trying to score...

    §Getting hit by a ball (doesnt feel too good)

    §and the risk of getting cleated while trying to stop the runner from stealing a base..

    If baseball is soo much more boring than football then y do we only get one point for scoring when in football you get six for scoring a touchdown?? We dont get an extra point if we hit a homerun! o you hit a homerun. 2 points for your team. it doesnt work that way...

    Baseball is better and always will be.


    JB #14

  3. me!!!

    i love baseball.

    american football to me is too long, and boring, and kinda gross to see the injuries.

    soccer/futbol ppl kicking a ball from one place to another, yuko and pointless.

  4. I know baseball rocks, and I hate the haters!

  5. I'm not really sure on what the question is so I'll just try to address your post in a whole.

    1. People disrespect baseball because, like most sports, its only exciting to watch at the very end.

    2. I'm pretty sure that not all baseball haters have g*y lovers. I could be wrong on this one, but it seems like a logical guess.

    3. I have never heard the "risk" argument before so I don't really have anything to say about that outside of the fact that it is a stupid argument because I have been hit in places where a man should never be hit in while playing baseball and that constitutes a risk in my book.

  6. people who disrespect baseball usually can't play for sh**, or they don't take the time to learn the rules, therefore they don''t know jack and it bores them. Think about it...ever tried watching a cricket match? A lot jump the football bandwagon cause they have a macho complex, the same people who think the only sports are football, MMA, boxing. I respect all sports, but baseball is defintely my favorite cause theres so much american history involved. It's classic
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