
Baa Ba B***K Sheep?

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Is it true that this Nursery Rhyme is now being taught in pre school and infant schools as Baa Baa Wooley Sheep have you ever heard anything so ridiculous.




  1. I have not heard that - that is ridiculous - it's like reaffirming racism and that's so wrong.

  2. I heard a few years ago that they changed it to baa baa white sheep as we werent aloud to say 'black'.  Now theyve changes it to wooley sheep.  At least its not racist to white people like me now.

  3. yes i have lol

    4 & 20 b***k birds baked in a pie

  4. I heard it was baa baa colourful sheep but yes it is....also if you didnt know rubbish like this -

    Not aloud to say man made or man hole anymore...its neutral hole and neutral made :)

    What England coming to?

  5. hahahahahahahha brilliant thankyou

  6. I teach kindergarten and we still sing Baa Baa Black sheep.  The only reason I say chalkboard is because mine are green.  Blackboard is perfectly acceptable.

  7. yes ive heard that the word black has been banned from that rhyme it seems more racist to ban it, thefore making it  seem like its something that its not!

  8. yes and its a loada boll**ks

  9. yes, at my 2 year old sons nursery which is Stockton Riverside College (i'm not afraid to name and shame) they sing baa baa wooley sheep however at home we teach him the original version (which he is able to pronounce easier) as if he even knows what racism means at that age. the world has truly gone mad!

  10. Correct.

    A black board also has to be referred to as a chalk board.

    And all the Gollywogs got banned from the Enid Blyton books, and were replaced with clowns.


  11. yes it's true

  12. a few years ago i think there was more of a fuss about it i worked in a playgroup and we sang baa baa white sheep have you got a light. See all the nanny goats dressed in white'white shoes and stockings white curly hair . See all the nanny goats going to the fair'       It did not make sense but that's what we did but i think now it is reverting back to the original. Thank goodness  lets face it it is tradition and the children just repeat it parrot fashion not thinking what it means  anyway what does it mean

  13. I hadn't heard that...that's ridiculous!  I still teach it in my classroom as black sheep.  It's not racist, has nothing to do with people's skin color.  It's about a sheep and that sheep's wool just happens to be black...give me a break!

  14. At my grandson's nursery they sing of rainbow sheep

  15. It's crazy.  

    I think we should all object to children singing white Christmas to highlight how crazy it is.

  16. My daughter sings woolly sheep.  I think it is ridiculous, I am all for equality but I think this is pushing it too far.

  17. i've heard the roumer going round but we arent doing it, but something even worse...  my kid in yr 1 has been told they are no longer allowed to run in the playground at playtime!!!!!  when they had outside toys out at playtime a kid had his name written in the book for "throwing a beanbag!!!!"  what are you meant to do with a beanbag???  just look at it??  

    what a joke huh!!?!

  18. Its being that way for a long time now , in certain pre schools

  19. No, it's an urban myth, except that sadly there is the odd case of workers in a nursery believing it and teaching the stupid version.

    There is no instance of Baa Baa Black Sheep actually being banned - it's a Daily Mail "PC Gone Mad" special.

    Blackboards aren't called chalkboards. They're called white boards. Because they're white, for use with marker pens.

    And who's responsible for the demise of the gollywog - is it the 'PC Brigade', or is it those who call black people 'wogs'?

  20. well it depends some places are sayin green sheep and others rainbow sheep, i think its flippin riduculous who ever heard of a green or rainbow sheep for christ sake

  21. I think it's paper talk. I have always taught 'black sheep'. The whole point of the original rhyme was that black sheep were a rarity and therefore the black wool was coveted as something special. So I will continue to sing 'Black sheep' !

  22. Yes its true apparently it was racist before.....which i think is sooo stupid how can a nursery rhyme about a sheep be racist.....what next????

  23. Baa Baa Woolley Sheep have you any ?? WOOL. Yeah, really thought out.

  24. I have a feeling this is one of those myths that circulate.

    My 3 year old sings it at her pre-school.

  25. Good Lord - is nothing sacred!?  When are these so called PC Police going to realise what t**ts they are making of themselves and get real?  Makes me so bloody angry - and my black friends are deeply offended by the implication that they give a flying s***!!
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