
Babe ruth baseball and little league baseball?

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In 13 and up babe ruth baseball our mound is is 60 feet 6 inches from home plate and in the little league world series there's is 46 feet from the plate and a lot of pitchers in babe ruth still throw faster, and i think that if our team and about 15 more teams that i have played against would dominate in the little league world series. This team from Missouri would definitely dominate and 2 or 3 of there pitchers would be throwing in the 90's and possibly one of them in the 100's.

Does anybody agree that babe ruth baseball would dominate the little league? Or have another opinion?




  1. There is a lot of growth between the ages of little league and Babe Ruth. The physical difference just wouldn't be fair...speed, power, coordination, arm strength, etc.  There is good reason the separate the ages. And it's when 11 and 12 years olds mature a little faster that you see them dominated Little League..

  2. of course u would cuz u guys are older

  3. Have you heard of Danny Almonte? The older they are, the better they usually are

  4. of course...babe ruth players are a level higher than little league players!

  5. Umm....yea...duhhh

    1. Older, more experienced

    2. Used to playing on a larger field against better competition.

    3. Throw harder

    4. Hit better

    5. More used to seeing an occasional curveball, so the one kid in Little League that throws it won't fool everyone like in his league.

    And I doubt kids are throwing the equivalent of 100 mph. If the gun said that, then it is set a little too high to mislead viewers.

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