
Babies Eye Color?

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I was just curious who does the baby get their eye color from? Or does it just differ? I have blue eyes, and everyone is my family all the way to my grandma & grandpa have blue eyes, and my boyfriend has brown eyes. So what eye color will our baby have?

And also Ive heard that the babies eyes are one color when there born but change color. Is that true? If so why? And when do they change.




  1. You can put in you and your boyfriends eye color along with both sets of grandparents and it will tell you the odds of your children having each eye color.


  3. If your eyes are blue & his are brown then you would have a blue  eye,green eye baby,&/or brown eye baby. & yes the childs eye color changes after birth.

  4. Children inherit genes for eye color from each of their parents.  Genes for brown eyes are dominant over green and blue, and genes for green eyes are dominant over blue.

    So in your case, your children would inherit genes for blue eyes from your side of the family, but without knowing more about your husband's genetic makeup, I can't say what they would likely inherit from him.  He may have green and/or blue-eyed genes that he inherited, but they would be recessive to the gene for brown eyes that he has.  So bottom line is that your children could potentially end up with brown, blue, or green eyes.

    Most babies are born with blue eyes, but they do not necessarily stay blue.  The reason is that they initially lack the melanin that causes eyes to turn darker colors, like green or brown.  That begins to develop after the first few months, and by one year of age, you should be able to pretty much tell what color their eyes will be (although they can continue to change somewhat up to age 3).
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