
Babies born on airplanes?

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can i know some facts about babies being born on airplanes

i've heard that the baby gets money till he/she is 18?

also heard that the baby will never be afraid of hieghts?

are these true?




  1. A woman is NOT allowed to fly in the third trimester without a doctors permission (Months 7, 8 and 9.) and is discouraged from doing so in the 6th month as well.

    given that if a woman gave birth on a flight she would be in her 1st to 5th or 6th month.

    meaning the only viable birth would be within the 5th or 6th month. anything before that would most likely be a miscarriage, and the baby would not survive.

    there aren't any ways really for airline staff to save a child born in the 5th or 6th month...they would have to make an emergency landing VERY quickly in order to get the child to a hospital where they could be saved.

    there is one incident that did happen. the baby was born at 25 weeks, and survived thanks to a female crew members actions. she gave the baby mouth-to-mouth for thirty minutes while the pilot rushed to the nearest emergency landing area.

    the only reason that this baby was born on this flight was the timing. at 25 weeks the mother was under the limit to fly without a doctor’s notice. between 28-34 weeks the airline requires a written certificate of health and docs okay. anything after 34 weeks is  too dangerous and strictly forbidden.

    the baby doesn't receive any special treatment such as money unless the airline decides to do so. they have regulations in place to avoid theses things, so due to the timing of the delivery it was considered unpredictable and the airline is not held accountable for nature's little surprise.

    I do know that some airlines will grant free tickets as a gift to the new parents.

  2. no pregnant women are not allowed on airplanes after about 7 months.

  3. you serious?

    why would the baby get money?  do you think a newborn baby KNOWS it was born in a plane?

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