
Babies for adoption?

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What are the chances of adopting a baby in scotland these days? most websites and people say it is older kids now who are put up for adoption, but few babies.

its just that my fiance and i are getting married soon and would like to start our family, but we would like to raise a baby as our own; which you cant do with older kids.

also, how long does the adoption process usually take?




  1. i really understand every1s view about older kids being adopted but i also understand how you should not be judged on wanting to experience being a parent to a baby, its a special thing that everyone would love to do and i think its a little cruel of people to judge u 4 it.

    im unsure if u cannot have your own children but i think if u can u should.

    good luck  

  2. yup.  Another PAP who wants to 'raise a child as their own.'

    Note:  Just because you pay for a baby doesn't mean you own it.

  3. Thank God you live in Great Britain!  Why?  Because your only option is to adopt from foster care, and you won't be able to "get" a baby.  

    You also have to go through a lot of counselling through your social services department of your local authority before they'll even consider you.  

    For my cousins, who adopted from foster care in England, the approval process took over a year and then they adopted two children within 6 months (same mother, different fathers).  I'm still not thrilled with people using innocent children to heal the pain of infertility (an adult problem) but that's how long it took.

  4. I agree with other who say that not only babies need homes.

    and Zuko, Why do you refer to this person as a PAP? Seem to me that they are just looking into adoption, maybe, possibly, someday, but probably not. So please stop labeling people.

  5. Please remember that adopting is about giving a child or baby a home that truly needs it. That should be above the parents need or want to raise a child from infanthood. The chances of finding a baby in Scotland is probably very low for the simple reason that you will not be the only couple that’s wants an infant.  There is nothing wrong with taking an older child, heck even a sibling group. At least in the states an older child is sometimes one that is no more older then 4 year old, that is hardly old at all.

    I am sorry if you and your husband are unable to conceive child but as many have said its not any baby or child’s job to help cure or make you feel better about your fertility issues. If you want to adopt you should be willing and want to take in a child that truly needs a home and parents regardless of the child’s age. As long as its incompliance with your own ages many agency require the PAP to be so many years older then the child.  If your say 24 and 23 you probably would not want to take a child older then 7 years.

    I also looked up Scottish adoption. One requirement is that a married couple must be married for at least 3 years before they can even start a process to adopt. I also read that 6,000 Scottish children are living in care. It’s this kids that truly need a home and parent again regardless of their ages.

  6. So you want to play the old fashioned make-believe game of "as if born to"  

    Please keep in mind the story of the ugly duckling.  The signet was raised alongside the ducklings but he was always going to be a swan no matter how hard he tried to pretend he was a duck.

    Something to ponder.  The very best adoptive parents realize and acknowledge this fact and don't deny the differences.

    Adoption is about the kids and not your needs.  Luckily the United Kingdom is aware of this and adoption remains a social service for them and not paying customers.

    Good luck and I hope you adjust your attitude and open your mind to adoption and the kids who really need it.

  7. Dont listen to the other people about how you are being narrow-minded because you want to raise a BABY not a teenager.

    I understand that...but you have to realize that, like yourself, most people do not want to adopt a child whos 10 years old. They want to be able to take care of a baby because they usually dont have physical AND emotional trauma! Children who are adopted when they are older have all sorts of psychological problems.

    I do not know much about the adoption process but I do know it takes a long usually go through an adoption agency && you have to fill out bundles of paperwork && then you have to fly to the country and stay there for at least 2 weeks.

    You would think they would just be handing out those children .

  8. Well it sounds like you are being very narrow minded. everyone wants infants because they don'[t come with any baggage or issues.WHY all children need love and nurturing and you can make a family starting with a smaller child maybe you should get over your issues and give this some more thought. Children need unconditional love and as I see it -- your love has conditions?? Give it some thought-- go to adoption agencies and see what they have I think it will give you a different opinion (hopefully)!! I guess you have conditions about handicapped children to? Sorry to be so harsh but THINK  about what your asking here.We have had a handicapped foster son for over 25 years since he was 11 and I wouldn't think of him in any way but family.

  9. Sorry but I was adopted as a baby and I've spent my whole life struggling with accepting my adoptive parents as my "real" parents. I have biological parents and parents that have brought me up for most of my childhood, but they are different people and ALL are important in my life.

    I love my adoptive parents but they are NOT my only parents and APs have to accept that adoptees have another family who they deserve, and should, know. If you can't accept that, you shouldn't adopt.

  10. [but we would like to raise a baby as our own; which you cant do with older kids.]

    Why can't you?

    Are you trying to say, "We can't *pretend* that this baby came out of my body."?  Are you worried that people will think less of your child if they think it's not *really* your child?  If you view adopted children differently than you would a 'born-to-you' child, or think you would love a child that came to you as a 2, or 5 or 13 year old less than one that came as an infant...Please do not adopt.  WE (adoptees) don't need parents with only CONDITIONAL love to give.

    Get some counseling.

  11. Why don't yous have a baby together it will make the both of you happier if its your own  

  12. i understand where you are coming from, BUT! if you can't adopt a baby are you not going to adopt at all?? you know how many kids there are you spend there life in foster care.. and never have parents because they are a little older. they are missing out on having loving parents in there life.. thats what adoption should be about.. giving that to a child. age 1 or 14.  

  13. I can see where other people are coming from (a wee bit) BUT if she wants to adopt a baby she wants to adopt a baby!!!

    Just because there are older children out there needing loving homes doesn't mean she instantly has to change her feelings and do as you all say

    Adopting older miss out on them being babies etc which is what some people want, they want babies so dont judge her because of this, she's only human at the end of the day AND she is still willing to give a baby a loving home

  14. sorry but your attitude is wrong to be considered for adoption.

    there is just so much to cover these days and they will ask you the question that you have answered negatively here already.?!


  15. More children are being adopted in Britain nowdays. Search on the net for adoption agencies in Scotland, there are so many children in need of a loving home. The process takes around a year to 16 months, but is worth it!
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