
Babies that don't get put down?

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If babies never get put down, and are always being carried by their parents or siblings etc, is it possible that they won't learn how to walk properly?




  1. Yes and not only that, they'll become incredibly clingy too.

  2. Good point.

    Well it may be delayed for them. It's a bit stupid to carry your child everywhere. But I also reckon they won't wanna grow up and that being carried around all the time is the right thing to do.

  3. They take longer to walk and they are really clingy.  It's just unhealthy


  5. Probably not but they will be very clingy babies and unable to be on their own

  6. no but they will be delayed on walking if they aren't given the opportunity to use their gross motor skills to explore.

  7. Interesting point. I'm not sure, although I think they would pick it up just by watching other people do it.

  8. They will learn, it will just maybe be delayed a little.  As they get heavier people will be less inclined to carry them for long periods of time, plus baby will get angry when he or she WANTS to torque around and isn't being allowed to.  Once the little one starts screaming, they will put him or her down and let them do their thing.

  9. NOT AT ALL!!!

    ive heard this given as an excuse as to why people think its right to let a baby cry it out, as if you dont allow them to cry it out they will be clingy, constantly stuck to, very dependent on you, they will reach their developmental milestones later than kids who do cry it out.

    from birth till about 4-5mos, my daughter was literally stuck to me. it was hard, i didnt want it that way, but i didnt want her crying, she wanted cuddled and i done it. she would go on the floor on her gym for a short period of time - 15mins maybe. she rolled at 3mos but as soon as she was on her belly, that was her done her exercise for the day and wanted mummy again. she learned to go from tummy to back in her sleep. till about 5 mos, she would roll on her beely right away, go on all 4's and rock back and forth, then realised she wasnt getting anywhere and wanted mummy again.

    this continued till she could crawl. even when she could crawl, she would tolerate being on the floor playing longer and longer, but she always ended up crying for me. she walked unaided at 10mos.

    however every child is different. some walk as early as 8mos, some can take up to 18mos to walk unaided.

  10. I carried my daughter everywhere and she is not clingy at all actually she is a very independant and confident little girl . She is a very secure child also . Oh and she walks just fine , took her first steps 2 days before her first birthday . Do what makes you comfortable .  

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