
Babies that spit up alot? Enfamil A.R.?

by Guest64084  |  earlier

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My baby has been on Enfamil gentlease because he was really colicky. He did fine on it for months and all the suddon started spitting up quite a bit. He has even started on rice (although he wont eat much of it) but that doesnt even help him. His pediatrition told me to try Enfamil A.R. it has added rice startch to make it thicker. I hate it! Hes only been on it for a day, but he still spits up (not as bad) but now its just chunks. The formula is so thick you have to shake it so much to get it to disolve and even then it still has chunks at the bottom. And its SO foamy. My question is... well, Im wondering if its really nessasary. I know spitting up can be bad if it affects their weight gain. My babies 4 1/2 months and 18 pounds! In the 88 percentile. And, the A.R. is acually supposed to make them gain weight. I love his chunk, but I dont know if its good for him to get even chunkier. I just dont know what to do?




  1. If he's happy and gaining weight and doesn't seem to be bothered by the spitting up, you don't need to treat it, and you don't need to switch formulas.  A.R. is for babies with reflux, not healthy babies who spit up.  

  2. some babies are son being one of them..i too have tried it all..don't worry it will get better soon

  3. Look at the bottles you are using as well as the formula. With my daughter I had to change bottles like 5 times before I found one that worked. She threw up her entire first year no matter what. The only bottle that mildly helped were the Dr. Brown bottles. Oh and put a little Mylicon in the bottle before you shake. It helps cut down on gas.

  4. My 9 month old son has been on enfamil ar since 5 months.  I breastfed for 4 months and then tried regular and gentle gease before settling with AR.  He has been spitting up since he was about a week old.  He would throw up maybe 5 times per feed.  He was not losing weight or having any other problems.  The AR has helped him drastically.  I did not have clumping problems as you have said.  I use the drop ins and a variable nipple.  THe AR will not make them gain weight.  It has 100 calories per 5 oz just as other formulas.  If you add rice cereal to regular formula they will gain weight because you are adding calories.  It is totally up to you if you want to continue with the AR but I think its wonderful.  It didn't stop the spitting completely but greatly reduced it.  you could give it a week to see how it does.  My son does not spit up now at 9 months but only takes 2 bottle a day (4 oz at breakfast and 6 at bedtime).  He eats ALOT of table food and the doc said he doesn't need it since he was refusing it.

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