
Baby # 1 was a preemie...will baby #2 be late?

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My daughter was born at 31 weeks gestation at 3lb 11 with my second pregnancy...the center for maternal/fetal medicine suggested that I take 10 weeks of progestrone injections, which are used by fertility specialists to help potential mothers from losing the baby early on in the pregnancy. Although it's not yet approved by the FDA, it has shown to help high-risk mothers carry close to if not full term. The thing is, I am now 39 weeks and 1 day pregnant, and since I've never been this far along before, I am miserable and feel completely uncomfortable. I can no longer get a full nights sleep and I just want him to come out already!!! I went to the doctor on Tuesday and she said that my cervix was very ripe and I was 3cm dialated, but still I have no contractions, not even false labor, and my water hasn't broken! I don't want to be induced because with the experience I had with my daughter's birth, induction makes the pain more severe. Has any one else gone through something like this? Will the baby come soon on his own? help!




  1. I just wanted to say I think it's wonderful that after your 1st experience you have been able to carry this one to term. I was also on progesterone my 2nd pregnancy with twins and they were born at 34wks5days but very healthy. I'm on my 4th pregnancy now and have been put on it again this time.

    Has your Dr mentioned stripping your membrans to get you moving further along?  

  2. Walking as much as you can handle helps with getting contractions. Sometimes s*x is said to bring forth labor. Walking is what mainly helped me to get my labor started and going :) its atleast worth a try. Good Luck

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