
Baby's 1st Birthday party??? Moms only..?

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My son is just going to turn 1 and other than buy a cake and give him a slice for him to do whatever he wants with it, and get him presents, I really don't know what to do. I might just throw a bbq with close friends. Any ideas? What have you done for your kids 1st birthday??




  1. I made pineapple and canatalope trays.(a hit) Put up ballons and streamers.  You can play soft music in the background.  We also grilled hot dogs and hamburgers.  Family and friends mingled well.  We bought a Elmo pinyata but decided to put it on display our baby doesn't like laoud bangs.

  2. 1st birthdays are so special. When I am stuck, I go through invitations for ideas. For first birthday, you can do a cupcake theme, teddy bear theme, princess (girl) or ice cream theme. If your child likes a certain Disney character, you can do something like Pooh. Lots of cute 1st birthday ideas. For more suggestions, I recommend searching on birthday invitation sites like Good luck!

  3. 1st bdays they are so fun.  If you have a publix they will make a special cake just for baby to destroy, which I think is a big deal to far as the rest goes since he is turning 1, he won't remember or miss gifts, and a dinner / BBQ is always a nice idea.  You could ask people to purchase saving bonds or or give the money they would have spent on a gift to deposit in his college fund.  You can make a special video and ask all of your guest to tell a story about or him or say some nice things for when he's older and you can tell the story of when he was born one year ago today.  My daughter is 6 and she loves to hear that still.  You could also have guests design t-shirts for him or allow him to make shirts for the guests by hand a foot prints or just making a mess.  That keeps everyone busy and adds a personal touch. Be sure to take a photo of the baby with each family and sent it to them in a thank you.

  4. just do what eva just let him have fun and play ur family kids and stuff

  5. Keep it simple. Your idea to give him his own slice of cake (a first birthday tradition!) and have a BBQ sounds right on. Don't get too complicated as at one year old they really ahve no clue what all is going on. Enjoy the day though and take loads of'll want to remember it no matter how you celebrate!

    Best of luck and happy first birthday to you both!

  6. We had a BBQ with family and friends and had a BIG BUBBLE BIRTHDAY BASH for my daughter's 1st birthday.  We just bought lots of different bubble toys and let everyone blow bubbles outside.  My daughter LOVED it- she was staring at all the bubbles and clapping her hands and she even tried to blow some bubbles and chase after a few.   Then we just let her dig into her cake and open presents.  

    My sister had a BALL BIRTHDAY for her son.  She just bought lots of big, fun balls and all of the kids just bounched and rolled and threw them.  It was quite cute.  The beach ball was the favorite.  

    Oh, and my brother had a COOKIE party for his daughter.  They just bought and make a MILLION different kinds of cookies.  And then just read stories while the kids had cookies and milk.

    And my friend had a TRAIN b-day for her son.  She made a train cake- using little bread loaf pans for each of the cars of the trains- and then lifesavers for wheels  and licorice for the tracks.  It was CUTE- and the birthday boy got to dig into the engine cake.  For her birthday- he got a toy train set.  And they took the kids on a train ride that ran around the park.

    Hope this gives you some ideas!!!  :)

  7. Do what you want/ can afford to do.  My daughter will be 1 shortly and we are going to a park and having cake.  I have told family to either do gift cards or money if they want.  My son is 4 and I don't even remember his first you think he does?  Just take lots of pics, have a good time and make lots of memories.

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