
Baby's and weddings?

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I am 4 months pregnant with twins and my boyfriend wants to marry me.

Should i get marrid first or after he kids are born!




  1. You should get married first: when your twins will be born, you are more than likely not going to have the time, money or energy to get married!:)

    So, now would be a good time!

  2. If you think you can do it before the birth without it being stressful then do it.  My sister tried to do it but couldn't get things going fast enough were she lived without the stress being very high.  Personally I think it's ok to wait till afterwords  so that way you don't have to worry if the twins come too soon.  Congrats on both.

  3. get married first.  it will make things easier.  when the baby comes you'll have other stuff to worry about

  4. I would say after... your hormones and body are changing... don't give yourself any extra stress with a Ceremony and Reception to plan.

    But follow your heard - do as you both feel is best - good luck!

  5. before. preferably AT LEAST 9 months before the kids are born, but kinda late for that now I guess.

  6. Personally I would wait until after and then make them a part of the wedding, they could be bridesmaids/page boys.  I know a woman who postponed her wedding because she found out she was pregnant.  She got married about a year after the birth and loved that her son could be a part of that special day.

  7. My fiance and I posponed our wedding from october 2008 to June 2009 when we discovered that I was due with our first child in Nov of 2008.  We decided to wait until the baby was 6-7 months old so that the stress of the wedding planning wouldn't affect the pregnancy and I hope that I will have my body back to look like the bride I want to be.  We want our wedding of be a celebration of our family, not something we rushed together for the sake of being legally wed before our child is born.  The people who would give you a hard time about not being married before and would cal your child a b*****d child aren't worth your time - don't listen to them.  Just do whatever you feel most comfortable with.

  8. Well it depends on a lot more than that unfortunately. It depends on how long you have been together and what your relationship is like. I got pregnant at the age of 17 and was with the father for a year before getting pregnant. We were already engaged, and after the baby was born I realized how much of a deadbeat he was. Once the responsibilities set it, he didn't want to grow up. So I am so glad we didn't get married. We were together for 3 1/2 years and I couldn't put up with him anymore so I left him. Now I am engaged to the greatest guy, have 2 kids, we have been together for 3 years, and life is great. So don't marry him just because you are pregnant, do it because you love each other!!!!!

  9. Congrats x2!

    Oh, get married asap, just have a nice ceremony and a celebration for family and close friends. You are going to want to buckle down and get serious about parenting after that!

  10. It all depends on what you feel is best. Before or after, you're still the same happy family right?

  11. yes or they will be b******s

  12. I’d say before. Just do something simple. Once you have two little ones to deal with, planning a wedding might be too much to handle.

  13. Do you two want to get married because your pregnant or because you are ready to make a LIFE LONG commitment to each other?

    I would suggest premarital counseling. I would suggest that no matter the circumstances. If you want a wedding then you should wait. If you just want to go to the justice of the peace then I would say before. Good luck!

  14. I would wait til after. If you get married before the babies come the wedding is going to be thrown together and might not be what you really want due to lack of planning time. Not to mention you will be very pregnant in your photos etc. If you wait you can take the time to plan the wedding you want and you can get back to pre-baby body.

  15. Gey Maddied Afed The Chikd Is Born...Then He Wont Be Called  A Ba*sted.....

  16. After. You have enough to concern yourself with at the moment - believe me you don't need the hassle of getting married, especially if it's twins on the way.

  17. Stop saying they'll be b******s!!! Yes, in my beliefs you should be married before conception, but there is nothing she can do about now. If I were you, I would get legally married now and then have a ceremony and reception after the babies are born. That way you'll be husband and wife when they come into this world, but you can have them be part of the wedding and you'll have your body back. Good luck, congratulations, and God bless!!!

  18. It's totally up to you before you the babies will be to much stress for you plus you have to find somewhere to get wed i would wait until after the babies are born they won't be b******s thats just plain nasty hardly any people get married before the 1st child now a days , take care and i hope your pregnancy and your wedding go well .
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