
Baby's check-up Question?

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I was just wondering how important the scales of weight and length are, because My daughter just had her 9 month check-up today and she is 17 lbs and they said they would have liked to see her at 19 lbs by now.. What would they do if she isn't up to their standards by her next check-up.. I was Just wondering if she sounds normal to you guys.. what were your kids at 9 months?




  1. I hate how doctors sometimes make us feel so insecure and paranoid about our kids!!!!

    My son was 17 lbs 7 oz at his 9-month.  He was a few weeks premature but the doctor wasn't concerned because he is gaining weight steadily.  17 pounds is not bad at all!  It may be on the low side, but many babies are just naturally smaller and that's ok!  By the time kids are 2 years old, most of them have all caught up with other kids their age.  There is nothing wrong with a petite baby, as long as she is steadily gaining weight and thriving!  :)

  2. My son is 7 months old and he weighs 18 lbs 4 ounces. And he's 28 inches long.  He is in the 40% for weight, so he's low too, but the dr said not to worry cause he's eating a lot and he has a belly and his ribs aren't sticking out.  The dr really said this.. As long as your little one is eating right and doesn't seem hungry I think she's just fine!

    good luck

  3. My daughter was about 15 pounds at ths age.

    The specific weight is less important than the rate at which YOUR baby was gaining.  Why did they 'want to see' 19 pounds?  What did she weigh at her last check-up?  How much has she gained since then?  What was her gain before that time?

    Usually older babies (over 6 month) average about 8-16 ounces a month -- but they don't gain weight regularly or steadily, so a single low weight check is rarely cause for concern.  She may be due for a growth spurt soon.

    If her next check-up still shows very low gain, (or loss), they would probably talk to you about her eating habits, and suggest ways of increasing calorie intake.  If there are other signs of trouble (not meeting milestones, apparent illness) they may do some tests to rule out medical issues.

    But if she's healthy,  happy, and eating all she wants (at 9 months she should still be mostly on breastmilk or formula, with small amounts of solids 2-3 times a day), then trust that she's the size she's meant to be. (If she's getting a lot of solids and not much milk, you might try switching. Formula/breastmilk have more calories and fat than babyfood.)

  4. Well all of my children are in the low percentile for weight, they always have been. And you wouldn't believe how much my kids eat too, my Dr. has never been concerned. My daughter is 16 months old and weighs 20 pounds. My son is five years old and weighs 35 pounds. They are both healthy, I was small as a child too. I wouldn't worry about it as long as your daughter is eating and behaving fine.  

  5. My first girl wasn't even 20 pounds at a year.  I know lots of people with children about the same size as yours.  Just feed her healthy foods (Annabelle Karmel has good baby food books) and she'll grow at her own pace.  Not everyone is a giant.

  6. Our son was 21.5 lbs and 28 inches at 9 months but he started out 9.5 lbs and 22.5 inches.  

    17 lbs doesn't sound that bad to me but I'm not her Dr...  

    It all depends on if you think she should weigh more.  If you think she is a good eater and health then wait until you go back to see what she weighs and if she's not gaining weight talk to your Dr.  She may just be a smaller child...

  7. My daughter was 19lbs at a year and at 9 months they were blabbing on encouraging me to give her chocolate milk and c**p like that to "fatten" her up.  Sorry but fat is not healthy and if your daughter is healthy than she is fine. At 6 my daughter is only 42-43lbs but she is very healthy.  I wound up doing dr. interviews and found a NEW wonderful dr. that could not believe the crappy info the other dr tried to give me.  If you run into a prob at ur 12 month visit do what YOU feel is right and then find a new dr.

    Good luck!

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