
Baby's father still confused after 2 years about our relationship..should I leave him?

by  |  earlier

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He doesn't know what he wants. He is torn between building his career and his family. Every time I ask for a commitment..he picks fights to sabotage the relationship.




  1. What is it that you want? Figure that out and settle for nothing less.  What you are giving him right now is the freedom to roll in and out of your lives.  You have a whole world in front of you, so if he isn't the one you will find the right one.  And you can always be thankful of being with him because it created a beautiul child.  One thing I have learned about love is, you can love someone and still know they are good for you.  That doesn't mean he is a bad person, it means that you deserve to have the relationship you want.

  2. Leave him ????

    Why are you STILL with him?

    Don't you understand that he has already made his choice?

    What are you waiting for - more babies?


  3. Well, I am sorry to say but you are going to have a hard travel on your hands.  This should not even be a competition.  Career and family.  Family is number one always.  But to keep the family you need money.  So a big question to ask  realistically what are your expectations for your family.  He needs something to make him who he is, this is very important since I am guessing that you are both young?   He will need space at times as will you.  Men cant handle the harping thow, especially when they don't understand what you are talking about, or choose not to listen.  That will drive them away fast.  Ask yourself what is it that he is not doing that you are needing.  The real meat in the situation.  Focus on that not the side stuff.  Its just flat out hard to raise and maintain a family.  Sacrifices have to be made on Both ends and you have to promote a TEAM attitude in your home.  I have had LOTS of this to fine tune for mine and its still hard.  Sometimes I just back off and let him do his thing.  I encouraged him to get his CDL,  (Truck driving license)  He was gone for most of last year and it nearly killed me.  He is now home and we are closer than ever.  And it was His choice to stay home.

  4. And you made a baby with this man?  It is obvious that he isn't confused.  Wake up and smell the coffee, he doesn't want a relationship.  You should have found this out long before you had s*x with him and made a baby.  

  5. You need to tell him that he already has a commitment to you and he has already chosen to have a family because you have a child together!  So for him to say that he might want to build his career first is just an excuse.  You need to tell him that and if he can't be a father and a husband and give you both the family you deserve you will just have to move on and eventually you will find someone who will give you both what you want and deserve!  Good luck and be firm.  He is just playing you right now and it is not right to play anyone but it is even worse to play a mother especially to his own child!

  6. What are you waiting for?  Kick him to the curb, so you can make room in your life for a responsible, mature man.  Everyone juggles home and family.  He sounds selfish and immature.

    Next time, get married - then have the kids.  At least you will have legal standing in the courts.  Protect yourself.  Next time, don't pick such a loser, you deserve better.

  7. Walk away, then he will have to choose. He will probably figure it out in time, if not to bad for him. Sorry for the position you are in. That sucks!

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