
Baby's firs t steps..?

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My son just turned 1 on June 28th, and has been cruising around for quite some time. Today he decided to take his first unassisted steps. SO EXCITED! =) I was a few feet away from him and held my arms out and said "Come here Nicky", and he walked to me, not very far, but he did it without any help. I'm just wondering, and I know all babies are different, but how many mom's remember how long after their child started taking those first few steps did it turn into walking? How can I encourage him to do it more? Any good tips or advice? and anything else you wanna share feel free.

Thanks Mom's!!




  1. My son went from scooting on his back to walking along the furniture and walls. The best thing  you can do is hold his hand(s) and let him lead you where he will - within reason of course!

    Good luck!

  2. i will give him a month and he will be walking by himself then u will wish he had never started walking lol don't take that to heart because my daughter started and i was so happy but now she has me on my toes 24/7 and i wish i had my baby back

  3. After she took the unassisted steps by herself - then she was walking at least 90% of the time every day after that.

  4. I have twin girls!  katelynn took three steps around 10 months!  she was full blown walking with two weeks!  now...she is 1 and is trying to run!! emmalee took a few steps just before her first birthday and now two weeks after turning one...she tries more and more to walk from one object to another!! so i would say between 2-4 wks it becomes full blown walking! they just need to gain confidence and practice practice practice!!  walking toys that they push around help with practice and putting toys out of reach when they are cruising along furniture!!  also hold just one hand and let him walk along side of you!  that makes him feel a little more secure but it also teaches him that he needs to balance!! hope i helped!  good luck!!

  5. Well, I bet he'll be a pro in the next week or so! It happens soo fast! Just keep doing what your doing, and encouraging him to come to you. He'll get the hang of it. Just be there to make sure he doesnt fall on something that can hurt him, (table corners, etc.) Dont worry, he will fall quite a few times in trial and error, but those diapered butts are suprisingly padded! HOW CUTE!

  6. keep doing what you're doing, but let the kid develop at his own pace.
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