
Baby's first cooing? ?

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when did your baby first start cooing and laughing?




  1. Smiling @ 4 weeks, cooing @ 5 and laughing at around 9/10 weeks x But remember all babies progress at different rates and orders.

  2. at 2 months.

  3. Babies don't really start getting a personality until they are about 2 months old.  Up till that time they are growing and learning about their environment.  They may respond to your voice but the actual answering you with a coo is a learned response and takes time.

  4. cooing about 3 months and laughing not till 4 or 5 months i think..

  5. 2 days old, I think it was can't judge off of everyone else's baby though because each one is unique!!

  6. Smiling since birth. Laughing (smiling with sound) and cooing both started around two months.

  7. My baby is starting to really get a cooing, she is about 11 weeks old, but she made her first little noise around 5 to 6 weeks old. My daughter is starting to trying to laugh, she just makes a loud pitch noise, SO CUTE, lol, but sometimes it can be 3 even 4 months before they start laughing. I cant wait.

    I agree people like Mandy shouldnt make comments like that, simple question simple answer. Some people are so rude. Sorry about people like that, I feel bad when I see answers like that.  

  8. 5 weeks cooing and smiling, still waiting for laughing.....
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