
Baby's first kicks...?

by Guest67076  |  earlier

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i felt my baby move for the first time a few days ago, but today i keep feeling like someone is flicking my stomach, from the inside! lol is this the baby kicking? im almost 18 weeks pregnant, thanks




  1. I always thought the baby kicking reminded me of when your belly growls when you're hungry.

  2. Yes thats exactly how it feels, At first it feels like bubbleing or fluttering and then the kicks start out as little flicks, Im 21 wks pregnant and felt my first kicks about 2wks ago, when you go to bed it moves the most but dont worry if it doesnt, They dont move that much at this point. Good luck with your pregnancy xx

  3. yes that's it! I'm 22weeks and have been feeling my baby boy kick for about 6weeks now, my bf sore baby kick 2 weeks ago! and is so happy to actually be able to see my tummy jump now! lol...  its amazing! though not so much when he kicks my cervix and v****a!! such a weird feeling! lol  

  4. Yes, thats what the early "flutters" feel like.

    I am at 27 weeks now and our little boy is kicking me with a lot more force and power than a few weeks ago. (Especially my bladder!)

  5. Yes it is!! How exciting I loved when I could first feel the baby move!

  6. Yes that's your baby. My baby is kicking me right now. I love it!!!

    Good Luck and enjoy every minute!!!

  7. aw...sweet, yes it will be baby flicking popping sensations. It gets much harder. Mine is at it as i write. Hurts my bladder though

  8. Im 18 wks Pg. and ive just started feelin little kicks.

  9. I'm due 16th January and I felt this for the first time at the weekend - flicking is exactly how I have been describing it to people!  I can also see my stomach move in the place where the flicking is happening. It's great feeling it throughout the day!

  10. Yes it is, I have had three so I should know. Its soo exciting isn't it. You wait over the next few weeks it will get more and more and the best time is when you lie flat on your back and you can see your tummy move with the little kicks for the first time. Amazing.

  11. Yes that is it!  And as your baby gets bigger the flicks become super hard punches and kicks!  That is so exciting though!  I didnt feel my lil one move until abot 4 to 4 and a half months!  Yay

  12. yh it is I'm pregnant with my frist and its really exciting gd luck x  
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