My beautiful daughter is over 10 weeks old now, and it's amazing how much she has changed since she was born! I'm upset because my boyfriend's mom refuses to come to my house to visit her. We have been over to HER house a few times since she was born, and I think it's her turn to come to MY house, especially since I'm sleep -deprived and completely run-down (I haven't slept more than 2 hours at a time since the baby was born!). My boyfriend has told her she is more than welcome to come over to see the baby, but she won't come over. Instead, she complains to him that she never gets to see the baby!! WTF? She says that she can't come over to my house because of the stairs. Well, while I was pregnant, she has come to my house (to get the car from her son) why all of a sudden she can't come over? I think it's because she feels that as THE grandmother, she has the right to request that we take the baby to her. I don't think so! My mother passed away a few years ago, she my bf's mom is the only grandmother she is going to have. Because of her pettiness, she is missing out, and so is my daughter! I'm not going to give in to her. How should I handle this situation?