
Baby's in frank breech. Please help! What should I do?

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I had an ultrasound two weeks ago and the doctor said my baby was in frank breech position. I'm almost 26 weeks pregnant. What should I do? I'm so scared! As much as possible, I'm trying to avoid a C-Section.. I researched on that certain position, and it doesn't look very comfortable for him either. Now I'm just paranoid.. What if something happens to him because of his position?

Here's the photo of a frank breech baby.




  1. Relax!  You're only 26 weeks along!  There is plenty of time for your baby to move and switch positions.  This is only the position at this moment - it doesn't mean you'll be at your due date with your baby in this position!

  2. As far as I know it doesn't put the baby at additional risk, but I think it would be hard for them to turn the baby.  Most likely you will end up with a C-section.  Did you ask your doctor any of these questions?  I'm sure they would be glad to calm your fears and answer your questions.

  3. My cousin's baby was breech, unfortunately she went into labor before the cesarean and the doctors had to just go with it because she came into the ER ready to push, but the baby's arm/shoulder was broken in the process which is understandable thinking about how the baby comes out. Hopefully the baby will turn or they will do a c-section if he doesn't which is not that bad.  

  4. Your doctor should have offered to try to turn him, but that takes a lot of time and a lot of stress on your body and doesn't always happen and if it does, the baby usually doesn't stay turned. Same thing happened to my son, I didn't know what to do, but I had to decide what was best for my baby. You may not want to have a C-Section, but that may be the best way to go. If your baby is breech now, I doubt he'll turn by the time you go to have him. You should just plan to have a scheduled C-Section that way you know everything will be under control and in no rush instead of being rushed into emergency the day you give birth. No need to be paranoid, he's fine. I think the best thing you can do is avoid the turning process because like I said, it may not work and you'll both have a lot of stress on you. The best of luck to the both of you! By the way, C-Sections aren't that bad! I one when I had my first (only) child, I was scared to death, but everything went beautifully!  

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