
Baby's mama drama....?

by  |  earlier

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My boyfriend and I have been together for about 8 months now and I am completely in love with him, we plan on getting married in the near future and I couldn't be happier. I have met his 3 year old son whom I adore as well and couldn't think of two better guys I'd want in my life. Unfortunately.....his son's mother doesn't agree, she has always been rude and walks all over my boyfriend and recently when it was his weekend to have his son followed us to the chuck e cheese and confronted him there and said plenty of rude things about me. Now I know that she will always be in his life and I have come to accept that, but I still get upset when she calls and asks him to do favors for her that doesn't include their son, for instance when she totaled her car she called him and asked him to take her to the car rental place along with her other son from another guy. So here is my boyfriend her and her son all riding in his truck together so he could do a favor for her.I don't want to get this nauseous feeling every time that I hear her asking him to do a favor, I totally trust my guy and know he has no feelings for her but I'm afraid her intentions are to break us up. I know that I would never leave him but I just dint like feeling this way anytime she asks him to do something? Anyone ideas or tips would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!




  1. I am going through "baby mama drama" as well. My fiance and I had to move, change our number and so on. He has a permanent restraining order that she continued to violate by calling, keying my truck, throwing a brick through my bedroom window, paying someone to tamper with my truck so that I could get into an accident. In court, I asked her why she was not woman enough to do or say anything in my face. I told her that I am the wrong person to play with.

    My fiance would travel across two states just to get his son. He would do anything for him. He was blind and did not see what was going on. She was using their son as a weapon of mass destruction. When she did not get her way, she went to the police and said that he threatened to kill her and their son.

    I bought a recorder at Radio Shack and taped all of her harassing messages. He bought it to court and the judge asked her is she was the one who was threatening my fiance. She said no and he played the tape. She looked like an idiot. She got pregnant the second day that they met and he was a stand up man and took care of his son.

    She thought that if she got pregnant, she would have control of him. I bought her son clothes, she cut them up. I told my fiance that she was abusing him. His son told him when he started to speak clear that his mommy was hitting him. The court in her state did not believe that she would do a thing like that and actually felt sorry for her.

    My advise to you is, invest in a camcorder, taper recorder and saddle up because she will continue with this b/s because she feels that she can get away with it. Your fiance has to put his foot down. His b/m feels that she can still play the mind game with him. He has to set boundaries. It is wonderful that he is a nurturing father but he should not be a naive father. Good luck, you will need it!

  2. You are spinning your wheels in a rutt chicky and going no where fast ,,,, Sort of like swanning before the bell ,,,, You need to calm down and relax ,,,, If you feel secure in your relationship with him then stop looking for something that hasn't happened yet and isn't going to ,,,, Don't create drama in your life that isn't there ,,,, To get this problem settled once and for all you might want to talk to him about how this makes you feel and get his assurance that your worries are baseless ,,,, Sit back and relax and take a chill pill and stop worrying about something that hasn't happened ,,,, It could put a damper on your relationship inadvertently ,,,,

  3. LOL been there! 100% she's trying to split you guys up! and he shouldnt do any favors for her!! at all! UNLESS He wanted to that is right ??? sounds pretty weird to me! why doesent he just get back with her ???? She's like controling him! might as well! who cares about poor little you and your feelings! right?????? who the h**l are you anyway right?>????? WRONG! he should do zero fuc*ing favors for her! period! he don't owe her ziltch! but to help out with his son! she can find someone else not her baby's daddy! I would tell him look you lil peice of SH*t!~ stop this c**p or Im out! you know I would just dump him! cause im not into being tooken advantage of ! but tell him you dont th ink its right and dont want her to get in between you guys and you have a feeling she is ! BE SMART! put your foot down!
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