
Baby's not gaining weight?

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My daughter is 10 weeks old, and she LOOKS healthy, aside from skinny legs. I've been exclusively breast feeding her. I'm in between doctors. When she was born, she weighed 8 pounds 10 oz, and when my husband used our scale to weigh her yesterday, she was 8 pounds 6 oz, today 8 pounds 8 oz, after breast-feeding, pumping, and a 2 oz bottle of ready to feed formula. She's at my breast CONSTANTLY, she cries when not in someone's arms, and isn't sleeping but 12, MAYBE 14 hours a day. I'm not sure if I should supplement her, and can't ask the doctor right now. I'm getting ABOUT an oz and a half to 2 ounces when I pump. I'm not sure if it could be her metabolism or what. She's pretty alert when she is awake, and she smiles at us a lot (we smile at her a lot, lol) I hate to supplement, and am trying to pump extra to bring in more milk, but when I use my pump more than a couple of times, the pressure reduces and it gets a funny high pitched sound, so I can't really run it a lot. Oh, and even after formula feeding her, that kid will STILL breastfeed for another hour, easy. I'm trying to find a line between doing what's best for her, and saving my sanity. So far, with exclusively breastfeeding, she's at my breast for 40 minutes, minimum. If I want her to go to sleep, I'm looking at at LEAST an hour, usually more like 2-3 before she'll completely fall asleep... so that's what I mean about my sanity. I've GOT to get a little time for myself. At least with supplementing, my DH will do those feedings.




  1. i would definitely give her a big bottle, then still let her use the breast. my daughter is 8 weeks old. at birth she was 8.1 lbs and now she is 11.5 lbs. she has gotten her chunky thighs. you baby should have gained a lot of weight by now. have you taken her to the doctor at all? how much did she weigh at her 3 day old appt. what about her 2 week appt?

    i have a friend, when she had her daughter she was only breastfeeding her daughter, then at her 2 week appt she lost weight, she had very little breast milk, she could not produce breast milk. it is possible.... there is a 3% chance her doctor said that some women just dont produce milk for some reason. if is not your milk supply, then something is very wrong with your babies health. take her the ER, at least then you wont have to apy up front they will just bill you through the mail, then you can either not pay or make payments.

  2. it sounds like you don't have enough milk... you could try maybe a small glass of beer that helps produce milk..(don't drink to much your baby will be drinking that)  my doctor suggested a beer every now and then..  btw it has to be beer not a wine cooler sorry..  

    if you are that worried though you really should see a doctor!!!!!!    

  3. I think you have no choice but to bring her to a doctor.  For her to have not gained any weight at this point is unreal.  It's possible she has a tape worm or something that is consuming calories from her.  I know that might sound silly or gross, but I can't come up with anything else since you say even after a bottle she will nurse more.  Although, she could be nursing more for comfort at that point.  Pumping is not as effective as a newborn, so even if you only pump 2 oz, she's likely getting much, much more.  It sounds to me like you're worried that you're not producing enough, and although more women think that's the problem when it's not, it certainly is a possibility.  I wouldn't give up on it prior to talking to a doctor.  I would suggest at this point (if it were me and I wasn't going to go see a doctor), to supplement for your sanity and for your daughter's growth.  But I'd continue pumping every 2-4 hours with a pump that's a little better than the one you have now - not sure why the pressure would be reducing with a high pitched noise.  Weird.  That's my suggestion.  I hope it works out.

  4. I don't think you should be too concerned about her weight right now. But it looks like you are not producing enough breast milk for her, you should only have to feed 15 min on each breat and she should be satisfied. Have you tried a 2oz bottle of just formula to see if that helps her sleep better and be more satisfied? I would try that and see what reaction it has on her. You can buy nipples for bottles that resemble your breast so she will not get attatched to a bottle nipple. I would try the formula once or twice during the day to see if that helps, you can still supplement with your own breast milk she will not turn you away if you give her a bottle one time. You could even cup feed with a small plastic cup of formula, that is what I had to do with my son because my breast milk was not coming in as well and after 5 days I gave up because he was constantly at my breast but then I gave him a 2oz bottle and he was out for 2 hours. Good luck!

  5. there is no need to supplement. my baby is almost 8 months and there are still some days that she is at my breast constantly!! thats just how breastfed babies are sometimes. it will get easier, i promise!!  plus you learn how to be one-handed and that helps!!

  6. supplement her.  Maybe she's just not getting enough from the breast.  If she's feeding (or trying to) for that long then perhaps that's the problem.  Try upping the formula on a regular basis and see if it helps her weight.  Breastfeeding is best for baby but in the end we have to do what is going to help the baby the most right?  My son ended up having to be formula fed as I could not produce enough milk and it was a hard pill to swallow at first. I felt guilty.  In the end though they have to eat right?  If your only pumping 2 oz at the most then it really sounds like she's not getting much.  Keep pumping if you can handle it but it really sounds like your baby may need to be formula fed and supplemented with whatever breast milk you can pump instead of the other way around.  She'll still be getting the benefits of having breast milk.

    I don't know your situation either but it's really important to get her into a doctor that you can trust soon if it's at all possible.  They can help tremendously.  

    Best of luck and I hope your little one starts to gain soon.  I know the worry you are feeling:)  

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