
Baby's real eye color?

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My baby is 4 weeks old and she was born with blue eyes. Lately they have gotten a little lighter in color. More of a light blue. My question is at what age do babys usually get their real eye color? I'm curious what color eyes she's going to have.




  1. well what color are yours? whats about your spouse's? baby's eyes do change if the are born with light eyes. if they are brown, they most likly will not change  

  2. when they are about a month old

  3. Usually by the time the baby is six months the eye color will be established.... but definitely by the time she is one!  

  4. mine kept changing until I was 18 months. I know have one half blue/half brown eye and the other is green. So there really is no definite age

  5. The eyes can shift well past 6 months but are usually set in their color by 6 months.

  6. My Dr said that it usually could take up to 6 months for your babies eye color to change (if its going to) my baby is 4 1/2 months and his has gone from blue to dark brown and they keep getting darker (like his mommy :) )  

  7. According to my mom, my eyes didn't change from blue to brown until I was almost a year old.  My daughter's eyes changed from blue to dark brown when she was like a week old.
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