
Baby's ultrasound picture...?

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I was just wondering if my baby's ultrasound picture looked normal? Doctor said he looks healthy but I was just wondering what that 'white' stuff in his eye was? I thought the black in an ultrasound picture was fluid and the white was bone. Does my baby have his eyes closed or what? It just looks a little weird to me and I was wondering if anyone has seen a picture like that before? No rude or immature comments, please! I'm new at all this stuff and i'm just worried about every lil thing! Thanks. 34 weeks 4 days pregnant. He was almost 29 weeks in this picture.




  1. Your baby still hasn't completely filled in with "fat" so his eyes are going to look almost "sunken in" still.  And yes, his eyes could still definitely be closed.  They don't usually start to open their eyes until right around this time, so it's possible he had them shut.

    Rule of thumb:  if your doctor isn't worried, you shouldn't be either.

  2. Sweetie, if your doctor says is normal, is normal !

    I think it looks like any other normal ultrasound picture.

    Good luck and congrats on your baby !

  3. well only the doctor can give you valid medical advice an reassurance .. it looks like he took a picture of the babies face i see a nose and eyes =D mazel tov an the new baby i am sure every things fine ! when pictures are taken from a ultrasound its like an inverse colored picture his eyes may have been open =) i highly doubt that its bone or skull very doubtful only the doctor knows for sure what happening with the little guy an i am sure he will be a healthy strong little boy again congrats

  4. Roxxy is right, your doctor knows best. No one on here knows enough about it to give you a good answer. If you doctor says the baby's fine then don't worry!

  5. doesn't look abnormal to me

  6. I think you dr. is right, It looks like a normal ultrasound to me!

  7. Don't worry - it's probably just part of the ultrasound imagery (and the doctor would have pointed a problem out,otherwise). Congratulations!

  8. If your doctor says he's healthy, hon, he's healthy. He looks just fine to me.

  9. Awww girl everything is fine with that pic. He's gonna be a hearbreaking. Your around the same as my best friend she's having her lil girl on Oct. 15th it's her first too and it's normal to be scared out of your mind. Everything will be fine and you should think about getting one of those 3d or 4d ultrsounds they are really neat. And the baby look just like it will look when they are here.

  10. honestly sweetie, if the doctor is saying he looks healthy - have faith in the doctor.  the baby probably has his eyes closed or was moving when the picture was taken.  congratulations by the way!

  11. I'm not a DR, so i wouldn't know but he looks fine. just like Caidyn and Brook-lynn.

  12. beautiful baby! congrats. but i would say to listen to your heart and go back to the ddoc and ask him. besides the pic looks blurry online..

  13. i think its his eyeball or something. could be eyes closed

  14. looks like a healthy 29 week old baby in the picture. voice ur concerns to your DR.

  15. Yes it looks fine to me, I am only comparing it with the ones I've got for my two kids though. You should believe your doctors, they know what they're talking about. Anything wrong and they would have you in for an examination.

  16. My brother's a doctor, and he says it looks fine!

  17. its totally normal. your dr is the professional. Things look weird on ultrasounds because its just sound bouncing off objects that are constantly moving and the computer creates the image.....dont worry yourself over it its perfectly normal

  18. Listen to your Dr. not people on here

  19. I rhink his eyes are closed, the colour matches that of surrounding skin.

    Like xrays ultrasounds are of a controlled depth. So in this picture you see the skin, in order to see the eye fluid they would look deeper & then it may appear black.

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