
Baby # 4 and need advice

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Iam the mother of a 5, 2, and 20 month old, and I am expecting sept. 16. The oldest two Iam not really worried about but the youngest is very clingy, and demands attention. Does anyone have advice on how to prepare her for the newborn, I definitely dont want her to feel like she is unloved.




  1. That's got to be so hard I would try (if you can) getting her into a program where she goes like 2 times a week and mingles with children her own age seems like she's having seperation anxiety not to mention she KNOWS that other baby is coming and she's very jelouse...good luck and congradulations!!

  2. consistent discipline


    consistent discipline

    if she gets her way through undesirable behavior it is then reinforced and it will continue...if not, it becomes too much work for no reward....

  3. well my son was like this and it worried me but turned out ok. But i only have 2 kids. My son was 22 months old when his sister was born. I felt he was to young to know what was happening. There is no way to tell them about the baby and expect or even know if they understand. My son was so clingy and mean that I thought for sure he would try to hurt the baby. But he was really good and adores his new sister. It was instant love. We have our moments but he is only 2 and I just tell him that he has to share mommy and be a good boy. If he gets out of control I put him in time out. But I try to make time for us everyday without the baby. That way he gets his one on one time with mommy and I constantly tell him i love him and shower him with love. He loves his sissy and I worried for nothing. Hopeful she will ajust just fine too. I would just tell her about the baby and try to explain in toddler words how things will change. you may get her a doll to take care of while you care for the baby so she can be like "mommy"

  4. My mother had six children. The older three each had a buddy with on of the younger three. That made them have connections with a younger sibling despite such an age difference.

    Also, it helped me when I was involved with the pregnancy. Even though your coming to the end of your pregnancy you can still prepare her. For example. get her a semi-lifelike baby doll. Show her how to "pet" or touch the baby, as well as all the do's and dont's. Take her baby shopping, they can get matching outfits or she can find the outfits for the baby. Give her some great sense of responsibility. I mean nothing too big, but maybe even ask for her help naming the baby or making her feel a little grown up.

    Your second child cannot permitted to act like this, however punishing her too much may cause a bit of resentment, so maybe you can take both of the younger children and go through these little activities

  5. try to get the older 2 too help you by trying to play with her while you breast feed or whatever with the baby  or try to get your hubby to take the baby for a bit so you can spend time with you daughter. i have twin 3.5 year olds and a 1 year old i had the same problem with my twins but their dad really helped and my niece did too

  6. Why not try to take her to a sibling and me class.  I know that my local hospital offered one.  You could take just her or include your older children as well.

    Good Luck and congrats!  

  7. When the baby comes home she may snap out of that behavor, when she meets her new baby she will feel like a lil mommy. Let her help with diaper throwing or helping mommy type of thing

  8. Instead of giving her attention when she tries to pinch or hit her siblings, remove her from the room so she sees that her bad behavior gets her nowhere without an audience or the all important lap location. Spend some quality one on one time with each child. Make sure when the new baby comes home, the baby "brings" a new present for each of his/her siblings so they see that the baby is associated with positive things.  

  9. The best way to involve the elder children with the youngest.   As far as clinging to mother is concerned, there are two reasons for stubborness, whinning, and the like character.   One is worms in stomach, the other is stomach upsets.  

         You can get rid of both these problems by a single or maximum three doses of the folloiwing medicines.  

    For worms Cina 30 maximum three doses in a day for one day.  

    For other clinging problems - Chamomilla 30 three doses for one day.  

        You will be surprised to see the child walking and playing and don't want you at all and independently playing.   Here you can involve the other two children into playing with him and I am sure you get plenty of time to mind your business.  with best wishes.  

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