
Baby Acid Reflux - Symptons If Baby Isn't Crying?

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My 4 month old baby spits up a lot and frequently! Can he have GERD if he's not crying or unhappy spitting up? He's one of those babies who smiles, spits up a lot, and then smiles again.




  1. My son does that. He has GERD pretty severely. He would have projectile vomit, blood in his vomit from his insides being so irritated from the acid, consistant spit up (like 2 tablespoons at a time) for a consistant half hour to an hour after a bottle and then be crying for more food because he lost too much out of his system. Although I am lucky because he has been gaining an ounce a day still, even with the constant puke. The best thing to do with this would be to write down or memorize his symptoms (you want to be as accurate as possible especially with the amount of spit up that you think is coming up) and then tell his doctor and ask what he thinks the posibilities are. Because trust me, you dont want this inaccurately diagnosed, my son has to take medicine, sleep on an incline, be burped every ounce of a 6 ounce bottle, sit straight up for a half hour after eating and have rice cereal in his formula. It is a road that is difficult but worth it because he is a much happier baby now.

  2. my son was the same way... yes he can have GERD... my son would trow up all the time and then he would be just as happy as he was before! i think after they throw up they feel better... so they're happy. i put my son on soy formula and it helped alot... if you have any serious concerns talk to his doctor.

  3. my son had reflux, but his did cause pain.  he was always crying until we finally got him on medicine.

    some babies can have reflux without the pain.  not all babies with reflux require medicine.  some people think that the medicine helps with spitup, but it is meant for the pain.

    for the spit up a thicker formula might help if it is excessive.  most babies outgrow reflux as they get older.  my son started to outgrow it at 10 months and it was gone by 12 months.

    i read an article about how overdiagnosed GERD is, because many parents worry about the spit up and many doctors are too quick to diagnose.

  4. My son was just diagnosed with baby reflux. He spit up frequently and sometimes when he spitup it came out of his nose. I tried soy formula and similac sensitive. Both did not work. My doctor told me to put rice cereal in his bottle and that worked like a charm. She said 1 teaspoon to every ounce. I use the Dr. Brown bottles so he isnt gassy and he sleeps through most of the night now. Try it. Oh my son is 10 weeks

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