
Baby Bearded Dragon Behavior?

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I have had my BD for a week and he's awesome. But I was wondering if it is normal for him to sit and bask all day on his bark, its the highest part in the 20 gal terrarium he is 8 inches total. The only excersize he gets is catching crickets (he eats ALOT of crickets) and i was wondering how to know if my bulbs are UV they came with a kit I bought and theres a 75w day light and 50w night light and ones light blue and ones dark purple. His temp in day time is 95 on the ground and 105f for his basking spot. and the humidity is usually always 30% in daytime and about 45% night time. He eats lots of crickets, but doesn't touch the fruits or veggies is that normal too? Just wondering if this is all i need for him and is it ok that I don't keep water in his cage? Thanks!




  1. no hes post to eat the fruits and vegetables

  2. They both sound like heat lamps, one for day one for night and not UV light. UV lights are either curly shaped, like the energy efficient bulbs they sell for your house or strip lights. He is fine to bask all day if he wants to so don't worry about that. He does need a large water dish, big enough for him to crawl into. As far as veggies, try just greens for a while, kale, romaine, red leaf lettuce and keep the pieces the size of a dime. You will also need a much bigger terrarium as soon as you can afford it.

  3. Bearded Dragons love to bask so thats normal but he should be eating some vegetables and little fruit.  But you might want a bigger terranioum than 55 gallons if he is going to get up to 2-3 feet long he needs some more space to move around. You dont need water in his cage but to mist him once a day would be good.

  4. He needs 3-4 weeks of time to adapt to his enviorment. But you really should put some water in a container or a dish. It doesn't have to be big. It can be small. But make sure the water is always clean and change it every day. He probably doesn't eat the vegi's you give him because he isn't used to his enviorment. But as he get used to it, you can try giving him different fruits and vegi's and also feed him some mealworms. Everything else seems fine.

  5. Bearded dragons eat about 70% of their diet as insects, and 30% as veggies... and a VERY tiny amount as fruit.  However if he's snubbing all veggies, that's not very normal.  Make sure to gutload the mealworms before feeding them to the BD if he's snubbing his veggies.  And try some different vegetables.  You should keep water in the cage too. He may not drink much of it, but he still needs it.

    I have not a single clue if the bulbs are UV though.  If they came with the kit... maybe?  I've never bought a kit.

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